Chapter 109
Above the Outback, V's apartment.

It was Felicia's bachlorette party. Katherine, Lucy, Robin, Brenda, V, Bobbie, Laura, and Dara were there. There were all sitting around the living room opening presents.
As usual Katherine and Lucy were fighting, this time over whose present should be opened first.
Felicia interrupted them.
"Maybe I should open Robin's first. She is sort of going to be my stepdaughter."
Robin smiled and handed her present to Felicia.
"Of course, go ahead Robin." Katherine said as she tossed her hear back.
"I agree with Kathy for once." Lucy said shooting a drop dead look at her.
"Lucy, you know you should really-"
"Girls, this is a party. No fighting." Felicia said seriously.
"I wasn't going to say anything." Katherine said indignantly.
"So Robin, how are things going with Jason ?"
Robin nodded.
"Good. We are both happy. I'm glad we are back together."
"I'm happy you're happy."
"We all are." Brenda said as she squeezed Robin's hand.
Felicia took Robin's gift out of the box. It was a beautiful antique bracelet.
"Robin, this belonged to your mother. You're giving it to me ?"
"Yes, I've always thought of you as a second mother. Now you're marrying Uncle Mac so its official. Besides, I know you'll take good care of it."
Felicoa reached over and hugged her.
"I will Robin. I love you like my girls. Thank you."
"Yes, its beautiful. So Robin, do you think you'll be getting married anytime soon?" Katherine asked.
"No, Jason and I are living together. That's more than enough. I think the next person to get married in this room after Felicia is Dara."
Dara laughed.
"Uh, I don't think so. I am too busy and so is Justus to be planning a wedding and have the time for showers like this. What about you Bobbie ?"
Bobbie shook her head and got up to go into the kitchen for more appetizers.
"I don't think so. The dating pool is completely dry for me."
"Oh Bobbie, I'm sure there are plenty of cute doctors at the hospital. I saw some the other day." Felicia said.
They all laughed.
"Felicia, you are getting married in a few weeks and you are checking out some young doctors ?"
"Oh please, it doesn't mean I can't look."
Lucy smiled evilly
"Well Kathy, when are you going to get married or do you have some excuse too ?"
Katherine looked at Lucy with disdain
"I don't need an excuse. I'm  not in any hurry. I am not some insecure woman trying to land any man I can get and trap him into marriage unlike someone in this room."
Lucy opened her mouth to say something but Brenda stopped her.
"What about you V ?"
V looked up from her drink.
"What ? "
She blushed.
"Are you seeing anybody ?"
"Detective Garcia. I've seen him around here a lot."
"He's here to see Mac."
"Maybe that's just an excuse besides even I don't need to see Mac that much."
"I'm helping Alex with a case ?" V said meekly.
"Alex ? You guys are on a first name basis ? That's great V. He seems like a sweet man. You should go for it." Felicia smiled encouragingly at V.
Katherine turned her attention to Brenda.
"What about you Brenda ? I hear that you and Sonny are back together. I guess that kidnapping fiasco brought you two closer. Oh, by the way I'm glad that you have your son back. You must have gone through hell."
"I did but I have my son back now and yes, Sonny and I are living together."
She nodded.
"No ring yet ?"
"Kathy, Brenda does not need a ring. She is in no rush. I'm sure that Brenda is very happy with Sonny and their son." Lucy shot back.
"Well, if I were her I'd be careful too." Katherine got up and joined Bobbie in the kitchen to help with the appetizers.
Lucy made a motion to try to strangle her.
"Oh, she just gets on my nerves. The witch. Just who does she think she is ! Sometimes I'd just like to-"
"Luce, no murder plans today. This is supposed to be a party. Lets open more presents."
Felicia said.
"Pooh, you are no fun. Well, Brenda I am happy for you and I support you if this is what you really want. Kathy just doesn't like seeing others happy."
"Thank you Lucy. How's Kevin ?"
"Good. You know he is so cute. Worrying about me all the time. Me and the baby."
Lucy put her hand on her rounded tummy. "Did I tell you that I went to the doctor's the other day ? I heard the heart neat and everything. We are having a boy ! I hope he grows up to be just like Doc..."
Brenda slowly tuned her out as her mind drifted back to that awful day that was her wedding day. She couldn't help thinking of that day with Felicia getting married soon. She sighed as she glanced at her watch. She had to go meet Julia soon.


Luke was sitting at the bar reading the newspaper when the door opened. He glanced at the door.
"Mike, I thought I gave you the day off. Now you come in as a customer and I have to see your ugly mug again."
"Luke, couldn't help it. I've gotten so used to the greasy food here."
Luke turned his attention to Sonny.
"Corinthos, you never come in anymore. Where's the fun in that ?"
"Sorry Luke. I've been busy."
"So I've heard. Bren actually let you out with the munchkin ?"
Luke said looking at Stone who was sleeping in his father's arms with his head resting on Sonny's shoulders.
"Yeah, the last few weeks brought us closer and we're back tougher. She's living with me at the penthouse."
"Congratulations man. At least something came out of that mess. I'm glad you're okay now. If any trouble comes up again you know you can call on me." Luke said seriously.
"Thanks man but I'm not expecting any. Everything is cool."
"Glad to hear it man. I'll go get Claude to fry up some burgers. Be right back."
Luke disappeared into the back while Sonny sat down with Stone in his lap at a table. Mike sat across from him.
"So Michael, you want to tell me what's going on ?"
Sonny looked at his father and sighed.

P.C Grille.

Brenda walked into the crowded restaurant and glanced around until she saw a blonde in a business suit. She took a deep breathe and walked over to her sister.
"Hey Jules."
"Brenda, hi."
Julia got up and gave her a hug. They both sat down.
"You look good."
"So do you. So, what brings you to town ?"
"This and that."
"Really ?"
Julia sighed.
"Bren, I was worried about you."
"I can take care of myself Julia."
"I know you can Brenda. You do when you aren't under that man's spell. I don't know what's going on with you but how can you just take him back after what he did."
"He has a name you know. It's Sonny and I love him. He loves me. He explained what happened and I forgive him. I am happy Julia."
"Bren, you aren't thinking straight. You are going to get yourself killed and you have a son to raise." Julia was trying to reason with her.
Brenda was only getting madder.
"You know Julia. You weren't here. You don't know what's going on. I love Stone with my whole heart. I would never do anything to heart him."
"But you are by allowing him near that man."
Brenda groaned.
"His name is Sonny and he does not do that anymore. Sonny is clean and I trust him. He loves Stone too and Stone needs his father. So do I."
"Where is Stone right now ?" Julia asked.
"With his father."
"Can you tell me that honestly aren't worried that something might happen ? That he'll get snatched again ?"
"Julia, anything could happen. Something bad happens all the time. I can't spend the rest of my life scared or in fear."
"Fine Brenda, let's say that Sonny is clean. You are living across from Jason Morgan. A well-known mobster. How safe is that ? And what about Luke Spencer, his other good friend. He used to work for Frank Smith ! You are going to be caught in the cross fire over and over. I don't want that for you."
"You have no right to judge Jason or anyone else !"
"I am worried about you Brenda."
"Don't. Just don't. You should worry about yourself. You are the one without a life of your own. All day you sit in your office making deals and ignoring everyone and everything else just like Daddy. Oh excuse me, he didn't ignore you did he ?"
"Brenda, don't bring that up again. We already worked that out and I'm sorry for all of that."
Brenda sighed.
"I'm sorry Julia. I know you mean well but you aren't helping at all. I love Sonny and he loves me. We are a family with Stone."
"For how long Bren, until he feels like leaving again ?"
"It won't happen."
"How can you be so sure ? Huh ? I don't want that for you. You are just going to get your heart broken again by that no good thug-"
"You know Julia, you are in no position to be making judgment calls. You don't even know Sonny."
"I know enough."
"No you don't. Besides, what do you want for me ? Your life ? With that bog house and all that success but no one to share it with ? You sit in your office all day. You don't even know what love is ! When was the last time you went on a date ? A real one and not a business one ?"
Julia looked shocked
"What does that have to do with anything ?"
"Have you ever been in love ? For as long as I've known you you have never had a real relationship with a man except Ned if you count that one and I don't. That fling you had with AJ doesn't even count either. You have never loved someone else with your whole heart and soul the way I love Sonny so you have no right to judge me. You probably don't even understand so you should just butt out."
Brenda was really mad and she just grabbed her purse and started to leave. Pausing next to her
"If you plan on sticking around until tomorrow then you should drop by the penthouse and see your nephew."
"Is that an invitation ?"
"Only if you can be nice to Sonny in his own home or you aren't welcome at all."
With that Brenda left the restaurant and Julia sat there to think things through.




My Love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that right
My first Love
You're every breath that I take
Your every step I take
And I, I want to share all my love with you
No one else will do, you know
And your eyes
They tell me how much you care, oh yes
You will always be
My Endless Love

Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one
Our lives has just begun
And forever, I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms

And I, I'll be a fool for you
I'm sure, you know I don't mind
Oh you know I don't mind
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
You mean the world to me
I know, I found in you
My Endless Love

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Do, do. Do, do, do, do
Wo wo

In love
I'll be that fool for you
I'm sure, that you know I don't mind
Oh yeah, yeah, yes
You'll be the only one
'Coz no, no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My Love, my Love, my Love
My Endless Love
My Love

Chapter  110

Brenda left the PC Grille and went home to Sonny. They went out to dinner at
with Jason and Robin while Mike watched Stone for them. 

The next morning,

 Sonny is sitting on the couch in the living room playing with Stone. Brenda
came downstairs. She watched them for a few minutes and smiled. She went over
to them and sat down next to Sonny.
"Looks like you're having a good time."
"We are. I'm teaching my son some things men should now."
"Really ?"
"Yeah. You going out ?" Sonny looked up from his son to Brenda.
"I need to head over to the gatehouse and see Lois about some stuff. I'll be
back later."
"Something wrong ?"
"No, not really. I'm just worried about..."
"Julia, what did she say ? You never told me." Sonny asked, reading her mind.
"The usual." She sighed.
"What did you say ?"
"We really got into it. Well, at least I did. But she's going to have to
accept us soon. I knew she has to. I don't even really care anymore, you
"Sweetie, it'll all blow over soon enough. Besides, she's the only family you
have. It might not seem like it sometimes but-"
"No, that's not true. You and Stone are my family."
Sonny kissed her on the head and pulled her close.
"Thank you for that. You two are all the family I need."
Brenda shot him a look.
"Fine, so is Mike."
"That's better."
"You aren't going to let that go, are you ?
"You are so stubborn."
"Am not, you are."
Brenda stood up after giving them each a kiss.
"I love you both but I have to run. Bye."
"We love you too. Say bye-bye to mommy." Sonny waved Stone's hand.
Brenda laughed.
"Bye sweetie. I'll see you later."
Brenda grabbed her purse and left. 
Sonny saw Brenda's keys on the desk.
"I think mommy forgot her keys."
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. 
Sonny put Stone down on the couch.
"There she is."
Sonny went to open the door.
"Julia, Brenda's not here."
"That's okay. I came by to see my nephew."
She walked past him into the room over to Stone.
"He looks good."
Sonny shut the door.
"Yeah, he's getting bigger everyday."
"I can see that."
Julia picked him up and put him in her lap.
"He looks like you."
Sonny watched her with his son.
"I don't know about that. I can see Brenda in him. He has her nose."
Julia smiled.
"Yeah, he does. He's a beautiful little boy. He seems really happy here."
"He is. I want him to be. I want Brenda to be happy too. You may not believe
that but its true. I love them both and I want what is best for them."
"You think that's you ?"
Sonny sighed.
"If I thought for one second that Brenda or my son weren't happy then I'd
gladly walk away and not look back but that's not the case. I love Brenda. I
always did no matter what you believe. I want her to be happy and safe."
"Then don't walk away. Don't leave her again. It isn't what Brenda wants or
needs. It destroyed her the first time. I don't think she can survive it
Just then the door opens. Brenda walks in.
"I forgot my keys."
"Yeah, I noticed."
Brenda saw Julia there.
"Julia, hi. What are you doing here ?"
"I decided to take you up on your offer."
"Oh, Sonny, could I talk to you for a minute ?"
Sonny walked over to her.
"What is it baby ?"
"Is everything okay ?"
"Yeah, everythings fine. We were just talking."
"You sure ? You're just not saying that ?"
"Brenda, your sister isn't that bad. We had a nice chat and we actually have
something in common."
"What ?"
"We both love you and we want you to be happy."
Brenda smiled at him.
"Thank you."
She walked back over to Julia.
"Do you want to stay and have coffee ?"
Julia handed Stone to Sonny.
"My flight doesn't leave for another hour. I'd love to. We haven't had a
chance to talk."
"Okay, come on."
Brenda got them both a cup of coffee and they sat at  the dining table. Julia
was watching Sonny with Stone out of the corner of her eye.
"You know Brenda, I'm sorry for the other day. I didn't mean to start another
fight. It's your life and I should butt out but I just don't want you to get
"I know that and I understand but I should be able to make my own choices."
"I agree. Truce ?"
"Truce. I love you Julia."
"I love you too Brenda."
They give each other a hug. Julia glances at her watch.
"I've got to run or I'll be late."
"Me too. I have to get over to Lois's. I'll walk you out. Just let me grab a
file from upstairs." Brenda went up the stairs. Julia walked over to Sonny.
"There's a reason Brenda chose you over and over again. It's because she loves
you. She hates to be wrong. Please don't let her be. Goodbye Sonny."
Julia went over to the front door and left. Brenda came back downstairs.
"Did Julia leave ?"
"I think she's waiting by the elevator."
"Okay, bye and thanks for being nice to her."
"You don't have to thank me. She's your sister."
 Brenda smiled and gave him a quick kiss.
 "Oh, I wanted to ask you something."
"Name it and it's yours."
"I wanted to invite Julia for Thanksgiving. I feel bad for canceling on her
"Sure, go ahead and invite her. The more the merrier. We'll have more than
enough food."
"I know. You are going to make an incredible meal like you always do. Bye. Bye
Stone. Mommy loves you."
Brenda rushed out the door to catch Julia.
Sonny looked at Stone.
"Well, I guess it's just you and me buddy. What do you want to do today ?"

Chapter  111

That night,

Brenda opened the door to the penthouse, tossed her bags on the floor and
plopped down on the couch. She was exhausted from her day. Sonny heard her
come in and came out of the kitchen. 
"Hey baby. Rough day ?"
"Not really. I just had some stuff over at L&B at Lois and I had to handle. We
had to cut short our shopping excursion."
Sonny glanced over at the bags.
"You sure you didn't buy out the whole store ?"
"Ha-ha, no. I needed a few things. Plus I got our son some new clothes. He's
getting bigger every day. Where is he ?"
"Across the hall, with Jason and Robin."
"Oh, they're happy. Aren't they ?"
"Jason sure is. I can tell."
Brenda smiled.
"So is Robin. I'm glad they found each other again."
"Me too. Listen, dinner is almost ready so why don't you just relax out here.
When I'm done we'll eat."
"Okay baby. Thanks."
Sonny leaned down and gave her a kiss.
"Anything for you."
Brenda sighed. She was happy. She hadn't felt truly happy and complete in a
long time. She was also scared that she would lose it again. 
Sonny came out of the kitchen again and saw Brenda staring off into space. His
voice startled her out of her thoughts.
"Bren ?"
She turned to look at him.
"Dinner ready ?"
"Yeah, what's wrong ?" Sonny looked at her with concern.
"Nothing." She lied. 
Sonny went over to her and sat next to her.
"Baby, I know something is wrong. Please just talk to me."
"Brenda, I know that I shut you out lots of times and that made you angry or
upset. I"m sorry. I don't want it to be like that this time. " Sonny said
"Neither do I. I want it to be different."
"Then talk to me."
"I'm scared..."
Sonny put his hand on her cheek and pulled her close.
"Of losing you again. That you'll walk out the door again and I'd never see
you again. I don't think I could survive. I've been so happy and I'm afraid
that it won't last for much longer."
Sonny put his arms around her and she let it all out. He felt guilt creep into
his soul for hurting her like that and leaving her behind, alone and pregnant.
He had tried to make it better and make it go away but maybe he couldn't. She
pulled away, making Sonny feel even more guilty.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"No, don't apologize for how you feel. Don't. Listen to me, I understand how
you feel. I hate that I caused you to feel like that."
"Brenda, don't tell me that it's not my fault because it is. I never wanted to
leave you. I wanted to be with you forever. That's why I asked you t marry me.
I had every intention
of going through with it and spending my entire life making you happy. I just
hope that you'll give me that chance now. Before it was always secrets and
lies that tore us apart, then it was my past and my business but that's all
over now. I'm out and the only thing in my life that's important is you and
our son. I only want to spend the rest of my life taking care of both of you
and making sure you have everything you need."
Brenda took his hand off her face and put his arm around her and leaned back.
Resting her head on his chest.
"Brenda ?"
He kissed the top of her head.
"You do believe me, right ?"
She opened her eyes and looked up at him.  
"Yeah, I guess I do."
He nodded and carefully got up, not entirely believing her.
"I'll get dinner set and pour us some wine. Just stay here and relax."
She got up after Sonny left and went over to Jason's penthouse to check on
She knocked hen opened the door.
Robin was sitting on the couch, playing with Stone.
"Hi Brenda. My godson and I were just talking."
"Yeah, what was he saying ?" Brenda asked, sitting down next to them.
"How lucky he is to have you and Sonny for parents and how much he loves you
They smiled.
"Well we love him too. Stone loves his Aunt Robin too. So do Sonny and I. I
know Jason does. Where is he ?"
Brenda asked glancing around.
"Upstairs, he had to make a phone call."
She frowned.
"What were you guys planning to do tonight ?"
Robin handed Stone to Brenda.
"We're not sure yet. We were going to stay in."
"That doesn't sound like much. If you guys don't want to go out then how about
some company ? Sonny is making dinner. I could tell him to throw some more
food in the pan or whatever he does and we could like make it a double date.
It'll be like old times."
Robin smiled.
"I don't think so. I don't want to intrude."
"You're not. Believe me. Before long Sonny and I will be an old married
couple. You guys should come over. We hardly see each other anymore and you
live right across the hall. I'm sure Sonny won't mind. Go ask Jason."
"Ask him what ?" Robin and Brenda turned to look at Jason who was coming down
the stairs.
"Brenda invited us over for dinner. You want to go ?"
Jason shook his head.
"No, maybe some other time. We have plans."
Robin looked at him.
"We do ?"
He smiled.
"Yeah, I didn't tell you because it was a surprise. We'd better leave now or
we'll be late."
Brenda glanced at Robin.
"I'd probably better get out of your hair. I'll call you tomorrow Robin."
Brenda picked Stone up and left.
She walked back into Sonny's penthouse and saw him standing at the dinner
"Wow, you went all out, huh ?"
She said, looking at the setting complete with candles and champagne.
"I just wanted to do something for you. Jason and Robin leave already ?"
"Yeah, you knew ?"
"That Jason made dinner reservations and planned a special evening for her ?
He told me."
"Oh, I'm going to go put the baby down and then we can enjoy our evening."
Sonny lighted the last candle and walked over to her, taking Stone.
"Let me take him, why don't you put on some music ?"
"Okay, thanks."
Brenda turned on the radio and found a romantic station.
A few minutes later, Sonny returned and put his arms around her.
"C'mon. Dance with me." 
He pulled her into the middle of the room and she rested her head on his
shoulder as they swayed as one to the music.

Close your eyes, make a wish
And blow out the candlelight
For tonight is just your night
We're gonna celebrate, all thru the night
Pour the wine, light the fire
Girl your wish is my command
I submit to your demands
I'll do anything, girl you need only ask
I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night
I'll make love to you
When you want me to
And I will not let go
Till you tell me to

Girl relax, let's go slow
I ain't got nowhere to go
I'm just gonna concentrate on you
Girl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night
Throw your clothes on the floor
I'm gonna take my clothes off too
I made plans to be with you
Girl whatever you ask me you know I'll do

Baby tonight is your night
And I will do your night
Just make a wish on your night
Anything that you ask
I will give you the love of your life. 


Sonny and Brenda are lying in bed, curled up together. 
"Brenda ?"
She opened her eyes and gazed at him.
"What are you thinking about ?" Sonny asked
"Just stuff. Nothing in particular."
"Us ?"
"I always think about us." Brenda responded. "Why ?"
"Because I was just thinking about us. I was wondering something."
"What is it ?"
Sonny ran his fingers over her beautiful face. 
"Maybe this is too soon. I'm not sure but that's not how I feel. This is way
past due...Brenda, will you marry me ?"

Chapter  112

Brenda pulled the covers closer to her and looked almost shocked.
"What ?"
She blinked not believing she had heard him right.
He took her hand in his, trying to reassure her. He realized that she was
scared and didn't fully trust him, no matter what she said.
"I love you Brenda. With everything I am. I lways have even though I don't
show it all the time...I know I've made mistakes. We both have but that's the
past right ? Just like you said. I want us to move on, together and share our
lives. I want us to get married and have that big family we always planned on.
We already have Stone."
Sonny pulled her closer and put his hand on the side of her face, brushing her
hair out of the way.
After a few minutes she pulled away, taking the hand off her face.
"Sonny, I can't talk about this right now..." Her voice drifted off as she got
out of bed and put on her robe.
"Baby.." He wanted to beg her to say yes, to say that she loved him and
trusted him..believed that he would never leave her again but he couldn't.
"I'm going to check on Stone. " Without anothe word or glance back, Brenda
left the room. Sonny buried his head in his hands, feeling 
lost and alone.

I Know This Was My Fault
But How Much Should It Cost
To Make Things Right
Do I Have To Pay For Life
We All Fall Short Sometimes
And I'm Guilty Of That Crime
But I just Wanna Make You See
That You Can Still Believe In Me

I Know I Make Mistakes
I Am What I Am 
I'm Only A Man
So Don't Take My Joy Away
Don't Turn Your Back On Me
Speak To Me Let Me Know
How You Feel

If You Feel Like You Can Hold On And Be Strong
I Will Never Leave You Lonely
I Cry Sometimes 'Cause I Make You Cry
And That Ain't Right
I Won't Make The Same Mistake Twice
Baby Please Forgive Me

No I Can't Erase The Wrong I've Done
But I Hope You Can Give Me Another Chance
'Cause If You Were Me You Would Want The Same
And I'd Give That Chance To You

After what seemed like and eternity, Sonny grabbed his robe and went to check
on Brenda. He wanted to give her some space but a big part of him wanted to
take her in his arms and make the pain go away but he knew he couldn't, not
this time since he was the cause of the pain. He had to find a way to prove
that he meant it this time and he wasn't going to leave again. He wanted to
give her the life she needed, one filled with love, security and safety.
Something neither of them ever had. He wanted so badly to be able to give it
to her...maybe he couldn't...

He slowly walked down the hall to Stone's nursery deep in thought.
A small smile crept onto his face when he spied Brenda sitting in the rocking
chair with Stone in her lap. They were fast asleep. Gently, jhe picked their
son up and put him back in his crib. He made sure he was okay before turning
back to Brenda. He picked her up and carried her back to bed. Out of habit,
she rested her head on his shoulder and put an arm around his neck. She
murmured softly.
Sonny lay her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her. He wantd her for
a short while before going to the guest room. He decided to sleep there to
give Brenda some space. They could talk in the morning. His mind began to
rack, trying to figure out a way to fix things. Finally, he drifted off, he
had ran out of ideas. He would just have to wait and let things fall into

The Next Morning,

Brenda had gotten up and saw that Sonny wasn't there. Jumping out of bed, she
went into the guest room and discovered Sonny there.
He looked awful, like he had barely gotten any sleep. He still looked peaceful
though. He would always be that scared little boy 
somewhere inside. She turned and left the room.

Soon after,
Sonny woke up. He remembered the previous night and realized why he was there
and not with Brenda in their bedroom.
He forced himself to get up and face her.
"Brenda ?"
He walked into their bedroom and expected to hear the water running but was
met with a stony silence.
 He went into the nursery but he found it empty. His heart began to race as he
ryshed downstairs, hoping to find Brenda and their son eating breakfast.
Instead he found Lois and Stone on the couch. Alone.
Lois looked at him when he came down the stairs. She raised an eyebrow at his
"Lois, what are you doing here ?"
"Nice to see you too..." Lois continued, ignoring his question.
"Okay Corinthos. My best girlfriend calls me up early this mornin' to tell me
to rush over here. I do and she asks me, no begs me to watch Stone so she can
get out. So I wonder what's goin' on over here. Brenda gives me the big brush
off so I decide to go to the next best source. You. So spill."
Sonny sighed and sat down next to her on the couch. Maybe Lois could help him.


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