<BGSOUND SRC="colorofmylove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
You're listening to:
"The Color of My Love"
Scoops for the Week of 1/1 - 1/5:
Gillian attempts to reason with Dixie.

Gillian and Ryan make a shocking discovery.  They find Greenlee in a pond faking a suicide attempt.

Ryan resuces Greenlee, who then flirts with Jake.

Ryan and Gillian convince Leo that this was a ploy by Greenlee to get him back.

Gillian asks Ryan if Leo can live with them on the yacht, and Ryan agrees.

Hospital auditors begin their investigation of David.
Red Letter Days
Tuesday, January 2: The Crystal Ball begins.
2001 Previews:

Engaged and happy, PV's star crossed pair take time to revel in their reunion.  But when Gillian leaves town for a spell, will she return having learned that she and Ryan are
not, in fact, alone at last?

Ryan and Gillian's relationship will continue to have complications, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel -- along with a romantic wedding!!!

Know any good spoilers? Share!
Email me and I'll post them on the site.
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