Coming Soon!

Right now, pretty much everything at this site is "coming soon." Projects currently "in the works" include (by site):

--Completing all the "base" pages: the pages you can get to directly from the main page. (i.e. "Updates", "Story Submission", "The Stories", etc.)
--Getting the first actual stories archived.
--Getting the "Reviews and Recommendations" and award-associated pages working, with entries.
--A guestbook?
--Possibly a forum area, if this page winds up actually having a large amount of people coming to it (which I doubt, but, hey...).

~Buffydom General~
--Getting the main page up and working(plus the rest of the site...).

~The Alternate's Area/Archive~
--Getting the main page and entire site up and working.

~Criss-Crossover Central~
--Getting everything up and running.

~The FunnyFic Archive~
--Getting the whole thing up.

A lot to do, hmm? If you have any suggestions or comments, please give them to me...

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