With Eyes Closed
by Salatina

Disclaimer: (see Prologue.

Note(s): Okay, WHEW! This story is taking story me a LONG TIME to write. Sorry for the delay...

>Also, I know that this story isn’t very exciting, isn’t getting to the point (Angel getting his soul back, well sort of) very quickly, and is very lacking on plot. I’m seriously considering not writing any more parts on this particular "Angel is good again" storyline...so, please e-mail me (salatina@Juno.com--you don’t have the excuse that you don’t know my e-mail address anymore J ) and tell me what you think: should I continue this story or stop this story?

**Look for more notes before the Prologue**

Part Two

Dark. Dark, dank, dirty, and chillingly frightening. That was the only way to describe the place were Buffy stood.

She looked around her, and winced at the various sights. Huge, dirty cages hung from the ceiling and were attached to the walls. In each cage, assorted men and women were held captive, many by heavy chains or similar bindings. Each person was slightly different: they didn’t seem to be captured from any one group. But, there was one thing that seemed to be the same about all of them:

The pain, anguish, and sorrow in their eyes.

Buffy got the eerie sense that she should recognize one of the many prisoners: one held in a cage to her left. She saw a figure slumped in the rear of the cage, fairly still, who seemed to be the one she was getting a feeling of recognition about. Buffy moved a little closer to the figure to get a look at its face.

The figure heard her nearly silent footstep and slowly looked up.

Gasping, Buffy saw features that were familiar to her, even though they were twisted with pain and remorse.


Suddenly, Buffy was somewhere else. She was standing on the opposite of the street from a large, partly underground warehouse that Buffy seemed to remember. The street she stood near, the warehouse itself, and various other things around her gave of the feeling that she was somewhere in Sunnydale.

"Go, you shall find what you seek," the voice from Buffy’s right startled her.

She turned to see a woman dressed in a simple, smoothly cut, floor-length white gown. The gown was partially covered by a large, silver-gray cloak, the hood of which cast a shadow over the woman’s face. Blond wisps of hair were the only hints that Buffy could spot about the feminine figure’s appearance under the hood.

"Who are you?"

The figure didn’t answer, merely indicated the warehouse with a slow gesture and uttered another message, similar to her first, "there, you shall find the answers to your questions."

Buffy was getting confused, "what will I find there? Who--*what* are you?"

Buffy awoke with a start, jerking violently upwards. It took her mind a few moments to recognize the dimly lit area around her as her room, and to realize it had all been a dream.

Eventually, she sagged back into the comfort of her bed.

"Jeez -- and I thought Angel was cryptic."

Part Three

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