Love, Loyalty and Friendship Awards

Voting Booth

The R U L E S:

Please carefully read through all of the choices before voting for a category.

To read any of the stories or poems that you haven't already read, click on the title.

You may vote for your own story or poem.

The voting for the Summer 2000 LLF Awards will begin on August 5 and end approximately August 30.

There is no limit to the number of categories any given story (or any given author) may win.

The stories with the highest numbers of nominations were included as the choices for each category. In the case of a tie, stories were picked from the tied group at random.

Has your story or poem been nominated for an award? Put up a "Vote for Me!" image on your site (if you have one)!

Vote for Me!
click on the image above for the code

You may vote only once for each category. If you vote more than once, only your first vote will be kept.

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Love, Loyalty and Friendship
- Voting Booth: Page One -

Best Angst or Fluff

The winner of the Best Angst or Fluff category can be any length, complete or incomplete. The story must contain either heavy emotion (angst) or light, airless plot (fluff).

Apocalypse: Sunnydale, by Ducks
The Wildest Times in the World, by Christine
Well..., by Ducks
Red Glare, by Salatina
He Never Said Goodbye, by Gemma
Light, by Rebecca Carefoot
Christmas Charm, by KNS

Best Joss Fic

The winner of the Best Joss Fic category can be any length, complete or incomplete. The story must either be a) very much like an actual episode of Buffy (or Angel), or b) very good at fixing a Buffy or Angel episode.

The Golden Queen, by Damia
In the Darkness Before Dawn, by Gem
Riley Who?, by Gem
A Ring of Sunlight, by Felicity
The Wildest Times in the World, by Christine
Broken Wings, by Melinda S. Dawney and Lil-Wolf
The Ties Between Us (Series), by Ducks

Best One-Part Fic

The winner of the Best One-Part Fic must be no longer than one chapter or part in length, and it must be complete. The content can be anything, as long as it is B/A.

Midnight in the Graveyard of Good and Evil, by Salatina
An Angel and a Baby, by Scribs
A Ring of Sunlight, by Felicity
Dresses and Lies, by Kuma
Breaking the Ice, by Lady Raven
Cave by the sea, by Honey/Clare
In My Heart, by Ducks

Best Poem or Lyric-Based Fic

The winner of the Best Poem or Lyrics may be either complete or imcomplete, and of any length. It must be either in poem form (free style is fine) or it must be a fic that integrates lyrics or poetry into it.

How Could You Do This To Me?, by Zepher
Only When I Sleep, by Deanie
Sweet Surrender, by Felicity
Everything You Want, by Gem
The Wildest Times in the World, by Christine
There's a Slayer Walking, by Christopher O'Shea
Finally I Feel, by Lily Moone

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