Story Submission

Thank you for choosing to submit your story to the BAFFA!

Before you continue, please make sure you carefully read through the BAFFA Submission Rules -- Updated July 24, 2000. Also, please take a moment or two to fill out the form below. It is a long form, but all the questions are necessary.

Submitting poetry? Go to the Poetry Submission Rules.


What is the title of your fanfic?

What is your Author Name?

What part number are you submitting? (i.e. "Part One", "Part Two", "Part Four", etc.)

Is this the last part of your story/fic?


Is this fanfic part of a series?

Yes, and the series is called:

If you would like to enable readers to send you feedback about your story, please put your e-mail in the space below. If you would like your e-mail not to appear in any part of this archive, leave the space blank.

Which category or categories does your story most closely fit into?

Fluff [Light emotion]
Angst [Heavy emotion]
Revisionist ["Fixing" the show]
Tear-Jerker [Sad]
POV [Point Of View of one character]
X-over [Crossover with another fandom]

If you would like your story to be included in the forthcoming BAFFA Search Engine, please choose a few key words that describe your story:


Please write or paste a brief one or two line summary or "teaser" for your story here:

Please write or paste a disclaimer for your story/fic here (also include any "Author's Notes," "Content/Spoiler Warnings," etc. in this area):

After checking through your story to make sure there is a BLANK LINE BETWEEN EACH PARAGRAPH, please cut-and-paste or write your story here:

Please write anything you would like posted after your story/fic here (i.e. closing remarks, pleads for feedback, etc.):

Does the archivist have your permission to make (hopefully, minor) editing changes to your story? (i.e. grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, etc.)


In case there are any problems or other things the archivist feels you should be notified of, please write your e-mail address here:

If you have any problems, questions, or cannot (for whatever reason) submit your story/fic, feel free to e-mail me.
Would you like to be signed up to, which will send you an e-mail when updates to this site have occured? (if so, write your e-mail address in the space provided--if not, leave the space blank)

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