
Last updated 11/22/98

This page is dedicated to one of Dawson's Creek's best couples: Pacey Witter and Andie McPhee. As much as I love Dawson and Joey, these two are a very close second to my favorite Creek couple. Josh Jackson and Meredith Monroe have had some really great scenes together and they share an incredible chemistry. I hope we get to see a lot more of Pacey and Andie before the season ends! :)

**Special Note from the Page Owner**

Please excuse the mess around here. This site is still under major construction. I am currently attempting to find a good site to move the Pacey and Andie Fan Site to. In the meantime I am looking for links to other Pacey/Andie pages, pictures of the two, or fanfiction involving them. Send anything you'd like to contribute to MsDawCreek@aol.com. Just put "Pacey and Andie" in the subject line. Thanks so much and keep checking back for updates!!



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