The Bold and the Beautiful
                                                                                       September 24 to October 10, 2003

Monday, September 22 #4135
Amber (Adrienne Frantz) asks Bridget for her help.
Massimo tells Nick that he wants every employee in South America accounted for and wishes he knew where Ridge was. Nick and Massimo agree that they’ll head to Calixto together. Massimo recalls the kidnapping of an employee’s daughter by the same terrorist group. He and Nick know they have to stop them before they strike again. When the pilot hears their destination, he assumes that they tracked Ridge down. Massimo and Nick are horrified when they realize that the group must be after Ridge. In their honeymoon suite, Ridge and Brooke kiss romantically. The squawking of a bird interrupts them. Ridge puts the bird out the window. As they kiss again, the bird continues to squawk from outside. Ridge tries to pull the shade, unaware that the bellman is watching with a grim, sinister expression. While Brooke is in the shower, the bellman sneaks up behind Ridge, knocks him out and, with the help of an accomplice, hoists him into a van. Amber tells Oscar that he has to help her, but Oscar insists that he doesn’t. She appeals to Bridget for help, but Bridget is tired of Amber’s impulsive moves that only wind up hurting Rick. When Oscar suggests that anyone mixed up with Deacon can’t be playing with a full deck, Bridget reveals that she was married to him.
Tuesday, September 23 #4136
Massimo (Joe Mascolo) is determined to find Ridge.
Nick and Massimo arrive in Calixto and begin their search for Ridge. Brooke is anxious and upset as she seeks help from the hotel manager. Brooke is stunned when Massimo shows up, and he realizes right away that he is too late. Brooke thinks Massimo is behind Ridge’s disappearance, but assures him that they’re already married and he missed his chance to stop the wedding. Brooke assures Massimo that she’s through being manipulated by him and wants him out of their lives. Nick joins them and assures Brooke that she has to believe Massimo because Ridge is in real danger. Nick promises Brooke that they’ll find Ridge. The bellman delivers a message for Massimo, which turns out to be a ransom note. Ridge is taken to a foundry, where he regains consciousness. Ridge tries to convince Toro that they have the wrong guy. Toro approaches Ridge with a machete. Samantha shows up with a new wardrobe for Stephanie, and a stylist named Rafael to give her a makeover. Rafael assures Stephanie that he can fix Sally’s handiwork. He convinces her to go back to her natural hair color. Stephanie, Samantha and Rafael are pleased with the results.

Wednesday, September 24 #4137
Bridget (Jennifer Finnigan) listens to Oscar's story.
A banker brings the ten million in gold to Massimo and Nick. They wait to hear from the kidnappers so they can deliver the ransom. Anna takes Ridge a meal and checks the cut on his head. Toro gives Anna another note to deliver to Massimo. Oscar asks Bridget what she ever saw in Deacon Sharpe. He tells Bridget about the troubles he’s having in Vegas. Bridget doesn’t think he should go back, but Oscar insists that he has to. Oscar admits that he’d rather run a club without the casino and Bridget urges him to try it. Bridget gets flustered when he tells her that she’s beautiful. Ridge realizes his kidnappers don’t plan to exchange him for the gold when they head out to collect the ransom without him. Nick intervenes when Massimo and Brooke argue over who’s to blame for Ridge’s predicament. He reminds them that Ridge needs them to fight for him together. The bellman delivers a note to Massimo telling him to deliver the gold to the pier - alone. Despite Nick’s protests, Massimo insists on following the instructions. Massimo refuses to let Toro touch the gold until he’s seen Ridge. Toro grabs for the briefcase and the gold spills out. Toro and his cohorts pull guns on Massimo. Brooke and Nick wait anxiously to hear from Massimo. Ridge implores Anna to help him.

Thursday, September 25 #4138
Deacon (Sean Kanan) surprises Macy with plans for a world tour.
Massimo receives another ransom demand, threatening to kill Ridge if the money isn’t delivered as instructed. Brooke wants to call the embassy, but Massimo is afraid the phones are bugged and the kidnappers would know they went against orders. He heads out on his own. Nick is curious that the bird, which was squawking loudly when the bellman came by, is now silent. Piecing things together, Nick realizes that the bird reacts whenever the bellman is around and questions Brooke again about the day Ridge was kidnapped. Ridge is trying to convince Anna to help him while Toro is on the phone with his boss, the brains of the operation. Toro holds the phone out to Ridge, who becomes angry when all he hears is deep breathing. Ridge tries to use the crystal from the watch Brooke gave him to cut through the ropes that bind his hands. Deacon and Little Eric listen as Macy practices a song for her studio session. Deacon surprises Macy with plans for a world tour. Macy admits that she wants to get back on stage, but she’d rather stay in L.A. so they can enjoy their family life. Nick watches Toro and the bellman at the bar, where the bellman wants out because the situation is too dangerous. Later, the bellman is killed and Anna rushes to her brother’s side, where Nick implores her to help him before Ridge is killed, too.

Friday, September 26 #4139
Nick (Jack Wagner) disguises himself to save Ridge.
Massimo is upset when Brooke explains to him that Nick followed the bellman in hopes of finding Ridge. Anna reveals to Nick where Ridge is being held. Toro informs the others that Massimo has refused to pay the second ransom. Toro receives a message from his boss ordering him to let Ridge contact his family so they’ll know he’s all right - and that they should cooperate. Anna returns with supplies -- and Nick, disguised as a bum she hiredd to help her carry everything. Someone sends Bridget flowers with a message to meet at an address and see what she started. Bridget finds Oscar at the Lair, which he has bought and is redecorating. He welcomes her to his new club, Ozzz, and explains that he sold the casino. Oscar is looking forward to his new life and kisses Bridget, unaware that one of his workers is really the man who threatened him in the hospital. Massimo and Brooke are meeting with Charlie Webber, from the American embassy, when he receives word that the bellman has been found dead and no one has seen Nick. Realizing both his sons are in grave danger, Massimo heads out with Charlie, leaving Brooke behind. Toro places the call and lets Ridge talk to Brooke, then warns Brooke to deliver the ransom. After Toro kicks Ridge, Nick approaches Ridge and quietly identifies himself. Nick frees Ridge and they battle his captors. They are about to escape when the door opens, revealing Alicia.

Monday, September 29 #4140

Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) is back!
Ridge is stunned to see Sheila, who is holding a handgun. Sheila cannot believe the ineptitude of her henchmen. She orders Anna to leave, but warns her to keep her mouth shut. Sheila knows that Ridge wishes she were dead, but insists that what happened to Taylor was an accident. She explains to Ridge that if he wants to see his family again, he’ll do exactly as she asks. Nick sees an opportunity and jumps from the shadows. A fight ensues, but Ridge and Nick freeze when they hear a gunshot and Sugar appears. Sheila pulls off Nick’s disguise. Nick informs Sheila that Massimo contacted the embassy, but Sheila assures them that she’ll be long gone before anyone finds them. Brooke is determined to find a way to help Ridge, despite Massimo’s warnings. She realizes Anna recognizes Nick and Ridge when she shows her the photos of them. Brooke begs Anna to reveal where Ridge is, but Anna is fearful. Deacon takes Macy to interview for a gig at Ozzz, but is stunned when he finds out Oscar is the owner. Oscar tries to convince Deacon that the place is legit and his troubles in Vegas are over, but Deacon isn’t interested. Oscar promises he’ll do anything they want if Macy will agree to sing at his club.

Tuesday, September 30 #4141
Oscar (Brian Gaskill) wants another chance from Deacon.
Brooke wants Anna to tell her the name of the woman who has Nick and Ridge. Anna is afraid to confess anything to Brooke and struggles to get away from her. Pablo intervenes, telling Brooke to leave Anna alone. Brooke pleads with Anna and says that she’s her only hope, but Anna is sorry that she can’t do more. After Anna is gone, Brooke finds a napkin Anna left on the bar with Sheila’s name written on it. Brooke is shocked. Ridge wonders how Sheila managed to get out of jail. He asks Sugar why she’s helping Sheila. Nick realizes that Sugar was Sheila’s warden. Sheila explains to Ridge that she just wants a chance to start over. Sheila taunts Ridge about marrying Brooke, and Ridge warns Sheila to leave Brooke alone. Sugar reminds Sheila not to tell them too much or they’ll have to kill them. Macy is tempted by Oscar’s offer. She points out to Deacon that it’s exactly the kind of gig she’s been hoping for. Deacon notes that Ozzy may be done with Vegas, but he’s not sure Vegas is done with Ozzy Oscar promises Deacon he’ll let them know if there’s any sign of trouble, but is sure those days are over.

Wednesday, October 1 #4142
Amber (Adrienne Frantz) tells Stephanie she needs to move on.
Bridget is proud of Oscar, who can’t contain his excitement about the opening. He invites her to sit with him and she accepts. They don’t notice Scarface and his boss, Jimmy, entering the club. Jimmy and Scarface confront Oscar, who insists that his loan has been repaid and he’s through doing business with them. Oscar orders them to leave his club. Deacon and Macy make love as they anticipate her triumphant comeback. They hear Sally outside with a megaphone announcing Macy’s performance at Ozzz. Sally explains that it’s free advertising, and Clarke adds that Sally hired a blimp, too. Clarke presents Macy with some gowns he designed for the occasion. Amber packs up her office at Forrester, even though Stephanie tries to convince her that she doesn’t need to give up her career. Rick overhears as Amber insists that it’s time for her to move on and she needs to give Rick the chance to move on too. She says that she has to accept that their marriage is over. Amber sees Rick as she’s leaving. He steps aside and lets her pass. Oscar calls Macy, wanting to talk to her before the show, but Deacon lets the machine pick up while he’s kissing Macy. Jimmy is furious and guarantees this will be one opening Oscar never forgets. He rips the poster of Macy in half.

Thursday, October 2 #4143
Macy (Bobbie Eakes) sings at Ozzz.
Bridget invites Samantha to join her for the opening so she can meet Oscar. Deacon gives Macy a beautiful necklace. They leave for the club without hearing Oscar’s message. Sally is agitated when she sees Thorne and Darla and tells them to leave. Deacon isn’t thrilled to see them either, but Macy insists that nothing can spoil their night. Samantha notes the chemistry and questions Bridget about her relationship with Ozzy. Jimmy promises Scarface that they’re going to teach Oscar a lesson he’ll never forget. Oscar is trying to talk to Deacon when Deacon sees Darla and Thorne approaching Macy. Darla admits to Macy that she’ll never stop thinking of her as her best friend. Macy confesses to Thorne and Darla that she’s glad they came. Macy and Darla embrace. Oscar introduces Macy, who takes the stage and starts to sing. Jimmy gives a nod to Scarface, who is up in the rafters. Oscar thinks the club is a hit, and he kisses Bridget. He spots Jimmy and heads towards him, reminding Jimmy that he was told to stay away. Oscar becomes alarmed when he spots Scarface up in the rafters near the chandelier.

Friday, October 3 #4144
Deacon (Sean Kanan) is devastated by Macy's accident.
Oscar sees the chandelier swaying and calls out to Macy as he heads toward the stage. The chandelier crashes down on Macy just as Oscar reaches her. Thorne and Clarke help Bridget rush to Macy’s side as Deacon and Oscar help move the chandelier. Macy is rushed to the hospital. Macy tells Deacon she loves him and fades back into unconsciousness. While Macy is in surgery, Oscar admits to Deacon and Bridget that what happened to Macy wasn’t an accident. Deacon rushes at Ozzy when he realizes that Ozzy was aware there could be trouble. Clarke holds Deacon back. Sugar urges Sheila not to meet Massimo. Charlie informs Massimo that the people who kidnapped Ridge and Nick are amateurs and can’t be counted on to play by the rules. When she realizes Massimo has gone to make the drop, Brooke explains to Charlie that she knows who kidnapped Ridge, and she’s not just after money. She reveals that Sheila has a huge grudge against Ridge and his family. Charlie tells Brooke that Massimo wasn’t alone when he went to make the drop. Police agents hide as Massimo approaches Juan and Cesar with the gold. Massimo is shocked when Sheila appears.

Monday, October 6 #4145
Massimo (Joe Mascolo) is horrified when Sheila reveals a child.
The doctor explains to Deacon that Macy’s condition is stabilized, but she may have suffered permanent brain damage. Deacon angrily goes after Oscar, but Bridget insists that Oscar tried to save Macy. At Macy’s bedside, Deacon and Sally beg her to fight. Massimo is stunned to find himself face to face with Sheila. Sheila feels that she lost her daughter because of Massimo…and now the tables are turned. Massimo is terrified when Sheila promises that he’ll understand how she feels when he loses his child. She tells him that if he cooperates, nothing will happen to Ridge and Nick. She promises to call him with their location after she escapes with the money. Massimo isn’t about to let her leave. The policemen draw their guns as Sheila opens her trench coat to reveal her secret weapon - a three month old baby in an infant carrier. Sheila notes to Massimo that it wouldn’t do to kill the mother of his child. Nick finally gets Sugar to warm up to him again. He tries to find out about Sheila’s secret weapon, but Sugar just smiles and says that they’ll find out soon enough. Nick and Ridge suggest that the money Sheila's demanding from Massimo is a little steep for a one-night stand. Sugar will only respond that other women in her position walk away with a lot more. Bridget tries to comfort Ozzy as he berates himself for what happened to Macy.

Tuesday, October 7 #4146
Oscar (Brian Gaskill) blames himself for Macy's condition.
Sheila tells Massimo that she thought he’d want to meet his daughter. Massimo is dubious and asks Sheila to bring Diana closer. When they reach the pier, Charlie orders Brooke to wait in the car. Massimo asks if he can hold his daughter just once before he gives Sheila the money. He holds the baby protectively and calls out to the police agents to get Sheila. When she realizes she’s been tricked, Sheila grabs the baby and escapes with Juan and Caesar’s help. Livid that she doesn’t have the gold, Sheila swears that Massimo will pay one way or another. Charlie realizes Brooke is gone. Brooke calls Massimo’s cell and explains that she’s in the trunk of Sheila’s car. Using the compass on her bracelet, she informs them which way the car is heading. Ridge asks Nick to take care of Brooke and the children if anything happens to him. Ridge ties to convince Sugar to help them escape. Nick flirts with Sugar, trying to lure her closer so they get at the key tied around her neck. Oscar is upset, blaming himself for what happened to Macy. Bridget tries to reassure him that he wasn’t responsible for the tragedy. Oscar worries about what will happen if Macy doesn’t come out of her coma. Bridget embraces Oscar.

Wednesday, October 8 #4147
Amber (Adrienne Frantz) wants to help Deacon.
Sheila swears that Massimo is going to pay dearly. Brooke gives Massimo additional directions and reveals that she can smell smoke before her cell cuts out. Massimo and Charlie focus on an area to search, hoping they find Brooke before Sheila does. Deacon breaks the news about Macy’s accident to Little Eric. Amber sees them embrace and resolves that the boy needs his mother. Amber hugs Little Eric and tells Deacon that she’ll stay with him while he’s at the hospital. Deacon is hesitant because of the restraining order, but Amber promises not to take advantage of the situation. Deacon finally relents, but insists that it’s just temporary. He calls the hospital and is upset to hear that Macy has lapsed into a coma. Sheila informs Sugar that Massimo double-crossed them. Sugar wants to take the money they have and run, but Sheila wants more so Massimo’s daughter will have the life she deserves. Ridge is stunned. Sheila introduces Nick and Ridge to their baby sister. When Ridge and Nick are left alone for a minute, Brooke slips in. They urge Brooke to leave before Sheila comes back, but she refuses to go without them. She starts to free them, but Sheila returns and sees her.

Thursday, October 9 #4148

Nick (Jack Wagner) has a proposition for Sugar.
Brooke takes the machete and makes a run at Sheila, but Sugar stops her with a shot into the air. Sheila assures Nick and Ridge that Massimo will provide for his infant daughter if he wants to see his sons alive again. She orders Sugar to tie up Brooke next to Ridge. Oscar goes to Macy’s bedside and implores her to live. Bridget sees Deacon coming and moves to him so Oscar can slip out without being seen. Deacon becomes increasingly distressed when the doctor fills him in about Macy’s condition. Deacon is upset that Macy is on a respirator and may have suffered brain damage, and he holds Ozzy responsible. Bridget embraces Deacon, trying to comfort him as Ozzy looks on. Massimo and Charlie continue their search for Sheila’s hideout. They finally realize that Sheila may have chosen the foundry so she’d have a place to melt down the gold. When Sugar sees Ridge kissing Brooke, Nick convinces her to sit next to him and kisses her. Brooke is appalled, but Ridge and Nick know that this is part of the plan. Nick kisses Sugar’s neck, and bites loose the ribbon holding the key, sending it into Brooke’s grasp.

Friday, October 10 #4149

Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) is surrounded.
Massimo and Charlie spot Anna and ask how to get to the foundry. She hesitates, then tells them the way. Brooke frees Ridge and herself. Sugar is furious when she realizes Nick tricked her. They are tying Sugar up when Sheila returns with Juan, who is holding a gun. Brooke warns Sheila that it’s only a matter of time before Massimo tracks her down. As Juan approaches, Nick hits him and grabs the gun. Just then, Massimo bursts in on a motorcycle, followed by Charlie and the two agents. Sheila is surrounded. Caesar slips into the shadows. The agents are about to lead Sheila away when she insists that she has something to say first, giving Caesar a chance to get help and position them. A fight ensues. Ridge is able to rescue Brooke, but falls into the firebox, which Sheila accidentally ignites. Sheila escapes as Nick tries in vain to rescue Ridge from the flames. Bridget takes Deacon home and is surprised to find Amber there. Amber questions Bridget about her sudden concern for Deacon, and bristles when Bridget suggests that Amber is taking advantage of the tragedy. Deacon thanks Bridget for being there for him. Jackie tells Stephanie about the kidnapping. She tells her to grab her passport because the jet is waiting for them. Stephanie wants Jackie to tell her that they’re all right, but Jackie only wishes they could. Stephanie is stunned when she realizes that Sheila might be involved and explains that Sheila is the devil herself.