George Clooney

George Clooney was born on May 8 1961 in Lexington, KY. He got is Hollywood break playing a medical intern on a short lived CBS comedy E/R, set in a Chicago hospital emergency room. On NBC's E.R., also set in a Chicago hospital emergency room, he graduated to a full fledged Doctor. During the first season of Rosanne, George apeared as Jackie's boyfriend and Rosanne's boss. His famous relatives include Rosemary Clooney who is his aunt, his father, Nick Clooney who was a TV host and his cousin, Miguel Ferrer, who is also an actor.His t.v. debut was E/R which was aired in 1984.

If you would like to contact George the address is:

George Clooney
c/o William Morris Agency
151 El Camino Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA


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