Here are some links I think are pretty cool.

Click on each pix to jump to the new link.

Learn HTML in 7 steps...thanks to Nic

  First of all, this page wouldn't be possible without this goober.

  His name is Nic, and he makes learning HTML (the language behind web page design) EASY!

  Hell, I figured it out (then again, i'm a self-professed computer nerd).

Uplink - The Satellite Truck Webpage   I love satellite trucks! They are one of the reasons that make television news so fascinating!

  The guys that drive them are pretty fascinating too. This webpage is written for and by satellite truck

  operators. (Heck even if you aren't into that sort of stuff, the pictures are kinda neat)

Fox 8 - WGHP   My old station. Check out what these goobers are up to. Brad Whitfield, a friend of mine, runs the site.

click this to go 'Truckin' to the Dead's site

The 'official' site of the Grateful Dead.

Need I say more?

Jump to Newsblues   Is this how you feel about the television industry? Imagine how us schmucks working in the trenches feel.

  This is our tonic, and sounding board. It's called NewsBlues, and it's better than a session at a psychiatrist.

Rashunda Tramble   This is Rashunda Tramble.. a former co-worker. She's the entertainment reporter at WGHP. She too has her own webpage. Check it out.. she's a fascinating woman! .