Four people . . . one helicopter . . . a machine capable of changing these human lives . . . forever . . .

This site has been designed to meet your fan fiction needs, so feel free to wander through, kick your shoes off, stay for awhile and read to your heart's content . . .

The fan fiction posted on this site is not meant to infringe upon or supercede copyright held by applicable parties (Bellisarius Productions, MCA, Donald Bellisario, Home Shopping Network, et al). Copyright only applies to original material and/or characters contained herein.

If you have writing talent and would like to contribute fiction or poetry - even art work - to this site, we would like to hear from you! For writing guidelines, please contact the webmistress at the e-mail below. All fictional works will be reviewed for consideration of inclusion and may be sent as Microsoft Word or .txt files to the aforementioned e-mail.

"Welcome, readers. I am your host for this interesting excursion into the realm of espionage, sabotage and government intelligence. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to saturate your brain with as much Airwolf fan fiction, facts and fantasies as is feasibly possible. Obviously, if you're here, that isn't much of a chore. So sit down. Make yourself comfortable. I think you're going to like it here."

Susan Rossi, Webmistress
October 20, 2004