Drennen Talbot is sitting in the bench in his jail cell, his suitcase full of his clothes sent to him by the Plumtree Inn. After almost a month of being locked up, he's about to be freed.

Drennen: I'm going home, finally I'm going home...but I won't be with my wife and daughters. I'll probably never see them again. I won't see my daughters get married and I won't see my grandchildren. All because of an idiotic attempt to keep my family together. Why Paul and Kane decided to drop the charges against me I'll never know, but they're better people than I. I'm a failure, a complete failure! (Just then, Valerie, Zoe, and Amaya appear).

Valerie: You're not a failure Drennen.

Janet MacDonald is walking towards the main studio at WBRE. She's very nervous since this is her first day on the job. She opens the huge double doors and sees a group of people crowded around a distraught looking blonde woman. Janet stops in her tracks. Station manager Sam Granger walks over to her.

Sam: Hi Janet. (Offers his hand) I'm Sam Granger.

Janet (shaking his hand): Nice to meet you Sam. What's going on?

Sam: Suzanne Haines, the reporter you'll be working with---well, she was robbed last night.

Janet: Oh no.

Sam: We have a burglar on the loose, and he's a bold one. He'll break in whether you're home or not.

Janet: Nobody's been hurt have they?

Sam: So far no. Looks like it's not going to be such a great first day for you.

Janet: Suzanne getting robbed will be the big story I suppose.

Sam: And Eliza wants to cover it. One last job before the baby comes. I don't think we'll have time to meet her today Janet. I'm really sorry.

Janet: It's okay. I'll just take a walk around the town, do some sightseeing. And try not too hard to think about the past, she thinks to herself.

Back to Drennen's jail cell.

Drennen: Valerie you came! And my princesses are here!

Amaya: Hi Dad.

Valerie: You're not a failure Drennen. You helped create our two wonderful daughters. You worked hard to make sure our family never went without anything. That's not being a failure, that's being a man.

Drennen: But I ended up failing you in the end. I acted like a raving lunatic, and it's cost me everything.

Valerie: Paul told me you're going back home to Indiana to stay with Mitchell. That'll be the best thing for you.

Drennen: I'll be able to clear my head, think about what I've done. I know I can't make it up to any of you.

Zoe: When will you be leaving?

Drennen: As soon as my lawyer arrives honey. (Begins to cry) I love you Zoe. I love all of you. I know you can't wait for me to leave town.

Zoe: You have hurt us. You should have gone to jail forever, but Paul and Kane didn't want the family to go through a hearing and all the bad publicity. You should be grateful.

Drennen: I am, believe me I am sweetie.

Zoe: I hope going back home gets you better then.

Drennen: Thanks, baby doll.

Valerie: We're going to leave now. Oh Drennen, have a good life. Heal your mind. Then give me a call okay?

Drennen: I will. You girls take good care of yourself. You're so lucky to have Paul and Kane loving you so much. I'll miss you. (Starts to cry again).

Amaya: Bye Daddy. (She reaches across through the bars and gently touches his fingers. Valerie and Zoe touch his other hand. They stay like that for a while).

Janet meanwhile, is walking through downtown Breckenridge reminiscing to herself.

Janet: Everything is practically the same. The barber shop, the antique store, Rhiannon's place, and the diner. This was always such a beautiful little town and everyone was so friendly. I would have stayed here forever if things didn't get so horrible. I know people are probably wondering why I left so abruptly, but I couldn't tell them. They wouldn't have understood back in those days. But I think the time is right to make amends, and I pray everybody will understand.

At WBRE, Suzanne has composed herself and is relaxing in her dressing room. Eliza is sitting on the couch beside her, rubbing her swollen stomach.

Suzanne: You're ready to have her Eliza.

Eliza: I know, and I can't wait. I'm looking forward to having her. I still don't have any names picked out, and Lance doesn't either. He said we'd know when we look at her for the first time.

Suzanne: That's the best way to go.

Eliza: I just pray to God that burglar doesn't break into my house.

Suzanne: What's more important is that I was here working and not at home. I know his other victims haven't been hurt, but still...

Eliza: I'm just so relieved Marcus and Ingrid are safe. They're excited about their first grandchild in the family, and I want things to be as smooth as possible. (Suddenly, she grabs her stomach and moans).

Suzanne: Eliza, what's the matter?

Eliza: I think I just had a contraction. I forgot how much they hurt!

Suzanne: I'll go call Doctor Hayes.

Eliza: Call Lance and his family, and tell them to meet us at the hospital.

Suzanne: As long as your contractions aren't that close, you should be okay. I'll go tell Sam and the others that I'm taking you to the hospital. Did you pack a bag?

Eliza: Yes. Deanna's at home. She took off from school. Call her and tell her to come over. (Slowly gets up off the couch)

I've done this before, yet I'm so nervous.

Suzanne: It's been a long time Eliza. A new little miracle is about to come.

Eliza: She is that. An unexpected---but wonderful--- miracle.


The excitement continues on the next episode of come nightfall when:

Eliza gives birth to her daughter, and the Grimes family comes together to celebrate the event.

Rosamond makes a heartbreaking decision in front of Cordelia and Everett.

Paul and Tess get an invitation in the mail.