It's early afternoon. Lance, Roark, Marcus, and Ingrid are at home getting ready to go to the hospital to be there when Eliza gives birth. Rosamond comes downstairs with a video camera.

Rosamond: Lance, here's the video recorder.

Lance: Thanks baby. (He takes it and kisses her). Come on and get your coat.

Rosamond: I've decided not to go.

Lance: But why? You know I want you to be there.

Rosamond: I'm not family. Anyway, I told Cordy this morning I would come over to look after Jadyn. Everett's at work, and she has homework to do. Call me after Eliza has the baby okay?

Lance: Alright, I will. I love you. (Kisses her again. He rushes out the door. Rosamond goes to the window and watches the family drive off in Marcus' car).

Rosamond: I can't take Lance away from his child. I can't break this family up.

Meanwhile, Eliza is already prepped for delivery. Suzanne Haines and Sam Granger are in the room with her.

Suzanne: Lance and the rest of the family should be here any minute.

Sam: How far apart are the contractions Eliza?

Eliza: About seven minutes, but I'm not fully dilated yet.

Suzanne: Where's Deanna?

Eliza: Downstairs getting some hot chocolate. I told her she didn't have to wait up here with me. (Lance enters the room)

Lance: Hi Mommy, how are you doing? (Kisses her on the cheek)

Eliza: Fine. Everything's smooth right now. I'm not fully dilated yet. Are your mom, dad, and brother out there?

Lance: Yep. They can't wait.

Sam: Suzanne and I are going outside. (They leave)

Eliza: Is Rosamond out there too?

Lance: No, she decided not to come. She's feeling like an outsider, so she went over to Cordelia and Everett's.

Eliza: I thought we were past that awkwardness.

Lance: I thought so too. I guess she felt she was intruding on something she thought was, well, intimate. To tell you the truth, she's been acting pretty distant the past couple of days.

Eliza: Maybe after I go home with the baby and things settle a down a bit she'll feel more comfortable. Rosamond is coming to the christening isn't she?

Lance: She said she was. I feel like she's slipping away from me Eliza. After I worked so hard to gain her love and trust it seems like she's backing off. If I lose her now, I don't know what I'm going to do. I love her so much!

Eliza: Then tell her how you feel. Don't keep your feelings bottled up---ohhh, here it comes! Another contraction!

Rosamond is sitting in the living room of Cordelia and Everett's house watching cartoons with Jadyn, who is on her lap eating animal crackers.

Jadyn: I'm so glad you're here Aunt Rosie.

Rosamond: I'm glad I'm here too. (She squeezes her and holds her closer to her chest).

Jadyn: Aunt Rosie?

Rosamond: What is it sweetie?

Jadyn: Why don't you have any kids?

Rosamond: I don't know, I just never got around to it.

Jadyn: Are you gonna have any with Lance?

Rosamond: He's going to have a little girl maybe today Jadyn. He won't want to have any more other babies right now. (She begins to cry a little)

Jadyn: Aunt Rosie, why are you crying? (She jumps off the couch and yells for Cordelia. At that moment. Everett opens the door).

Everett: I'm home for lunch! Hey Rosie. What's wrong? (Cordelia comes out with Jadyn).

Cordelia: Rosie, what's the matter?

Rosamond: I've decided to leave Lance.

Cordelia: What??? But why? You love him!

Rosamond: Eliza and their baby should be what's most important right now, not a girlfriend.

Everett: Have you told Lance?

Rosamond: No.

Everett: You have to tell him how you feel Rosie. You've been through a lot of together, and it'll crush him if you're not honest with him.

Cordelia: Everett's right. Go to him.

Rosamond: I will, but not right now. The baby is what matters at this time. (Pause) There's one other thing too. Would it be all right if I stayed here with you? Just until things quiet down?

Everett: Rosie, you know you always have a home here.

Cordelia: Everything will be okay. The love that you and Lance have for each other is too strong to be destroyed. You faced Eliza and won, you can face this hurdle too.

Rosamond: It's a baby, not a hurdle. We have to accept the fact that this new life is going to bring Lance and Eliza back together. Maybe this is a sign that Lance and I weren't meant to be. And if it is, well, I'll just have to tell him goodbye.

Tess Harper is at home fixing herself a grilled cheese sandwich when the phone rings. She answers it. Paul is on the other end.

Paul: Hi honey. I just called to see if someone called you about Eliza.

Tess: Deanna called a few minutes ago. I think the doctors are getting ready to deliver the baby.

Paul: I'm sure Lance is pretty excited.

Tess: Speaking of excitement, we got an invitation in the mail.

Paul: Invitation? To what?

Tess: It's from Kane and Valerie. They've invited us to a dinner party.

Paul: Really? What does the invitation say?

Tess: It says, "You are cordially invited to a family dinner party hosted by Valerie Talbot and Kane Garrett to be held at Valerie's new home tomorrow. Dinner begins at six o'clock p.m. followed by dessert and then entertainment, provided by Zoe and Amaya Talbot."

Paul (laughing): Oh how cute! Isn't that sweet.

Tess: Maybe in several months, we'll be getting a wedding invitation?

Paul: Now that would be great. Look, I have to scarf down by lunch before my hour is over. I'll see you about five-thirty okay? I love you sweetheart.

Tess: I love you too Paul. Goodbye honey.

Hours later....

In the delivery room, Eliza is crying out and pushing. Lance is by her side holding her hand, and Doctor Hayes and the other attendants are at the other end. Outside, the rest of the Grimes family, along with Deanna, are waiting anxiously in the lounge.

Doctor Hayes: Just a few more pushes and she'll be here! I can see the head!

Eliza: Okay. (She scrunches her face and pushes).

Lance: You're doing wonderful Eliza!

(Eliza moans and pushes three more times. The baby finally slides out into Doctor Hayes' hands, and lets out a huge cry. Eliza sighs with joy and relief, and so does Lance).

Doctor Hayes: Your daughter is beautiful guys! (She places the baby on Eliza's stomach).

Eliza: Look at her Lance. It's our daughter. (She kisses the baby).

Lance: It's wonderful---it's absolutely wonderful.


Next on come nightfall...

Lance and Eliza name their daughter and later, Lance makes a phone call to Rosamond---and receives devastating news.

Kane and Valerie prepare for their dinner party.

Doctor Hayes played by Linda Dano. Sam Granger played by John de Lancie. Suzanne Haines played by Barbara Crampton.