
Paul and Kane got into an arguement over his bizarre behavior.

At Brody's insistence, Fawn, Roark, Larry, and Deanna tracked down the woman who went into his hospital room---and they were shocked to learn the woman was Janet.

Tess faced uncertain danger when her car stalled on a back road and a shadowy figure approached her.

The murderer claimed Suzanne as the first victim.

And now, onto tonight's episode...


Police cars, TV news vans, and radio news vans are crowded into the parking lot of WBRE. A group of onlookers are also around, gawking as two paramedics some out of the station entrance wheeling out the body of Suzanne Haines on a stretcher. She is covered up under a white sheet, stained with drying blood. Eliza Braxton, accompanied by Lieutenant Russell Gault, slowly walks towards the corpse, lifts up the sheet, and then quickly looks away, trembling.

"Yes, that's Suzanne," Eliza manages to whisper. The sight of her dead friend sends her sprawling to the pavement in a torrent of tears. Russell bends down and picks her up, holding her as she cries into his chest.

"Why did it have to be her?" Eliza sobbed. "What did she do to deserve this brutality?"

Eliza's daughter Deanna Thorpe runs past the crowd to her mother. "Mom!" she shouts, running into Eliza's waiting arms. As the two women embrace, police officers Wade Atherton and Sheila Tandy exit the station entrance. The two walk over to Russell with stony expressions on their faces.

"We didn't find anything Russ," Wade said solemnly. Whoever killed Suzzane is smart---and clean. No fingerprints or blood splatters, except on the body. The psycho even took time to clean up the hair he chopped off her head. And if you're wondering about how the killer may have gotten in, we found a security guard locked in a closet near the camera control room. He was apparently taken from behind and dragged into the closet. We'll be talking to him, as well as taking a look at those surveillance tapes to see if we can spot the murderer on there somewhere."

"The Barbie doll was bagged and taken into evidence," Sheila continued. "The top brass is considering bringing in the FBI."

"Jesus," Russell swore. He rubbed his forehead. "Another nightmare has begun." He looked intensely at Wade and Sheila. "We have to get this maniac before he kills again!"

Larry Sherwood, Roark Grimes, and Fawn Hollister are also standing in WBRE's parking lot, watching the ambulance take away Suzanne's body, and reporters from other stations broadcasting the news of the murder. The four young people can't believe a killer is on the loose.

"This is just too weird," Fawn surmised. "First, Brody's mother may be here---a TV reporter for this station---now another reporter is brutally murdered. When will this madness end?"

"It's a terrible tragedy," Roark replied, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend to comfort her. "But we can't do anything about it. Let's all go home."

"What about Brody's mom?" Larry asked.

"We'll look for her again later," Roark responded. "Let's just get out of this place."

At Paul and Tess Harper's house, the couple is sitting on the couch with their arms around each other watching WBRE anchor Evan Langley's live report from the station. Also watching with them in the recliner next to the couch is Kane Garrett, who turned out to be the shadowy figure that approached Tess while she was stranded in her car. The three are very shaken up.

"I can't believe someone actually made it into the TV station and killed Suzanne," Tess finally said. "It had to have been someone she knew. I know security is tight there." She shivers and Paul holds her tighter. "When did this town become a haven for lunatics?"

"You're not safe anywhere," Paul replies matter-of-factly. He looks over to Kane and notices he's white as a sheet. "Dad, are you okay?"

Kane smiles at his son, and he gets some of his color back. "I've been thinking about how terrible I've been towards you and Val lately. I don't know what's gotten into me."

"You really scared me tonight you know when you took off in the park. I was so afraid that you'd hurt yourself. I didn't know what to do," Paul admitted.

"I'm so sorry I ran off like that," Kane apologized. I needed time to cool down, so I drove around for a little while, and that's when I found Tess in trouble. I know I should have called, but I just wanted to think things through."

Tess stands up and yawns. "Well, I'm going to bed. I don't want to watch this report anymore, it's too scary." She gives Kane a hug. "Thanks again for coming to my aid. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there." She winks seductively at her husband. "Paul, I'll see you in a little while."

Kane also stands up. "That's my cue." He gives Paul a hug and kisses Tess on the cheek. "I'm going to Valerie's to see if she'll forgive me. Goodnight guys." He begins walking out the front door.

Paul puts his arms around his wife, giving her a passionate kiss. "Let's go into the bedroom and I'll show you how really glad I am that you're home safe."

Hours later in another part of town...

Suzanne's killer is standing in front of the police station, calmly watching the building---and already planning the next murder.

If everyone thinks it stops with the dear, departed Suzanne, boy are they in for a big surprise. It's far from over. The next death will happen sooner than they'll expect---and I've already lined up another poor, innocent victim, the crazed murderer thinks...

Inside the police station, Russell is at his desk, still trying to let the terrifying events of the night sink in. He still can't accept the fact that Suzanne is dead, when only a few days ago she was sitting across from him. He can still remember what she said to him the night the killer called WBRE, forcing her to stop the story about those notes...

After a while, people are going to get angry that their city is being taken over by psychos. And the first group they direct their anger towards is the police.

Russell gets up and walks over to the window by his desk, looking out into the dark night, which began peacefully but has turned sinister.

"Nightfall, when the time a town is at its most beautiful---and deadly," he says quietly. "You were right Suzanne. And I'm going to make sure the psycho that slaughtered you won't take over Breckenridge, I promise you."

Wade walks over to Russell and lays a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump a little. He whirls around, his nerves on edge.

"Wade, it's you," he sighs with relief.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but Chief Hernandez from Bel Air is on the phone and he wants to speak to you. You can take the call at my desk," Wade says.

Russell is astonished. "Wow, Mario? He doesn't know about Suzanne already, does he?"

"I don't think so, but since Bel Air isn't far from here, he could have seen the TV report." Wade goes to his desk and hands the receiver to Russell, who takes it.

"Mario, hey," Russell says, trying to be conversational. "It's been a while. What's up buddy?"

"I've got disturbing news Russ," Mario replied darkly from the other end of the phone. "So I'm just going to get right to the point." He pauses. "Russ, Quentin Michaels has escaped from the sanitarium in New York, and we think he may be headed back to Breckenridge."



Next on Come Nightfall:

Russell learns more about Quentin's escape.

Janet winds up in the hospital along with Brody.

Lance has a heart-to-heart talk with Ingrid.

Deanna and Sam attempt to comfort a devastated Eliza.


Attention readers! If you're new or you've forgotten about Quentin Michaels, visit the archives to read all about his reign of terror.

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