Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Here I am again and all ready for season 2 of this fic for
the few of you that'll probably come banging on my door to demand I
finish this already.
As usual, Feedback would be greatly appreciated!  And so would
suggestions for the final chapter of my fic Forever.  I kinda got writers
block on that one.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues
Season 2

Deja-Vu - Part 1
Chapter 13

My eyes opened as I finished the throwing motion that had sent my alarm
clock out the window.
One of these days I'll have to nail the clock to the bedside table so I don't
throw it out in the morning.
Musashi and Julie were already up and about, when did Julie get back last
I stumbled over to the window to see if the clock was recoverable.
"Mr. Ketchum where did Raptor come from?!"
"Is Raptor dangerous?!"
"How are you able to control it?!"
Quickly I shut the windows and the curtains, damn.  It looks like
Raptor'll have to teleport us to the stadiums for our third battles.  I had
the Grass Field today, Musashi had the Ice Field.
"Methinks you discovered the reporters outside."  Julie grinned wryly as
she leaned against the door frame.
"Methinks you could've at least warned me."  I sighed as I trudged to the
"Satoshi, how are we going to get out of here?  The three of us have
battles today!"  Musashi asked as I sat down at the table.  I blinked at her
"Raptor's going to teleport us . . ."  I yawned before eating.
"How do you think Inferno, Raptor and I escaped the Rock field the
other day?  Raptor teleported us here."  She blinked before she smiled in
relief that she didn't have to face the mob outside.
Raptor was having fun teasing them, he'd stick his head in front of the
window and jerking it back before they had a chance to snap a picture. 
Then he picked up his favourite chewing bone and stepped in front of the
window.  He gave a big show of snarling and snapping at them before
putting the bone in his mouth and breaking it.  The reporters stepped back
Musashi, Julie, Inferno and I laughed at his antics.  Suddenly he began
acting all cute and playing with his ball.  He sure had the media hounds
baffled now.
"Hey Raptor, the three of us need a lift to the Ice Field, Rock Field and
Grass Field."
He chirped.  He knew where the Rock Field was, but not the other two.  I
tried to fix their locations in my mind for him.  He nodded then we
vanished just after I'd grabbed my team for today.
I had Chewy, Pippi, Bob and B.B. for my team on the Grass Field.  I
hoped I wouldn't have to use Pollen Pump, but it might become
That attack was simply ridiculous, but I admit it was effective.
Raptor dropped off Musashi on the Ice Field before dropping off Julie
and then me.  I didn't recall him into his pokeball so he could get me out
of here before the reporters got to us after the battle.
The officials up top understood my dilemma and let me carry him with
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen!  Welcome to the Grass Field! 
Today we have Satoshi on the Green side fielding Raticate, Clefairy,
Feareot and Victreebell!  On the Red side we have the strict disciplinary
A.J. fielding Beedrill, Raticate, Arcanine and Sandslash!"
A.J.?  Yeah, I remember a story about him and that Sandslash. 
Apparently both were a near unstoppable team.  
Suddenly I wished I'd brought Inferno, Fire Claw could've handled all of
A.J.'s pokemon with ease, even that Sandslash.
I decided I couldn't show any mercy, this battle would have to be quick. 
He had years of experience behind him.
"The coin is in the air . . . A.J. has to send out first!"
"Go, Raticate!"  He snapped his whip, I couldn't let that sound get to me.
"I choose you, Chewy!"
The whip cracked and Raticate lunged toward Chewy.
"Avoid that!  Stonebreaker Fang!"
Both trainer and pokemon blinked.  His Raticate may be strong, but
Chewy was strong and fast!
Raticate was out.
"And that was another amazing move by Satoshi!  How will A.J. respond
to that?!"
"Hmph, weak Raticate.  Go Arcanine!"  The whip snapped and suddenly
Chewy was engulfed by Dragon Rage.  Obviously a TM taught move, but
still effective.
Once it was over Chewy slowly got on his feet again, all of my pokemon
had been exposed to the others special moves so their HP was quite high. 
But an attack like that repeated would faint Chewy.
"Stonebreaker Fang!"  I yelled.
A.J. cracked the whip, Arcanine suddenly launched into Agility.
Some of Chewy's bites made contact, but Arcanine was far too fast.
"Raticate is unable to battle!  Point goes to Red side!"  The ref
announced.  I sighed and recalled Chewy, he'd done a good job. 
Arcanine was weak now.
"I choose you, Pippi!  Metronome!"
Another snap of the whip, Arcanine launched a Fire Blast while Pippi was
powering up.  I winced and recalled her.  She still wasn't experienced
enough to battle in the League, I should've realized that.
B.B. was totally out of the question, so hopefully Bob could finish off
Arcanine with Sonic Boom.
Raptor looked what I felt, worried.
"I choose you, Bob!  Sonic Boom!"
Bob flew up high and paused before diving, screeching the whole way
He passed Arcanine at a blinding mach 3, it looked confused for a
moment before the Sonic Boom hit.
"Arcanine is unable to battle!  Point to Green side!"

I began to sweat, Bob wasn't having luck with the Beedrill. 
"Drill Peck!"
Beedrill responded with a Twin Needle right to the stomach.  I winced,
Bob wouldn't last much longer.  But Beedrill was tiring, the battle
between Bird and Bug had been going on for the last fifteen minutes. 
Apparently both A.J. and I had trained our pokemon for endurance.
Bob used Mirror Move, Beedrill became the victim of it's own Twin
"Sonic Boom!"
Bob gave a tired nod, he only had enough strength left for this final
Beedrill fainted, and after a minute so did Bob.
"Return Bob, great job."
"Beedrill Return.  You're pretty good kid, no one's lasted this long
against me for years."
"I'll take that as a compliment."  I responded.
"Go, Sandslash!"
"I choose you, B.B.!"
The battle began.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I watched the live broadcast from the bookstore with Leila, I grimaced. 
Just by looking at that Sandslash I knew B.B. didn't have a hope of
beating it.
The camera person panned over to Satoshi and Raptor.  One was
sweating in the heat, and the other was pacing worriedly.
"I don't think your trainer will win this one."
I bit my tongue, I knew that too.  But I'd never say that out loud.  In fact
I felt ashamed for just thinking it.
In all the times I've visited Leila, I've never worn my jacket.  If I did I
knew the reporters would be all over me, recognizing me as Satoshi's
With out the Jacket I knew I was safe from them, for now that is.
I winced when Sandslash knocked B.B. for a loop.  Pollen Pump had
worked, but the Sandslash was just too powerful to faint while it was

Leila and I were at the edge of our seats watching the fight anxiously. 
Remarkably B.B. had been holding his own very well.  I could see he was
determined to fight until he fainted, he didn't want to fail Satoshi, he
knew that if he did Satoshi would be heart broken.  Taken out in the third
I stood up and made my way to the door, Satoshi would need my support
when Raptor teleported him back.
Leila looked at me in understanding and nodded.  I gave her a weak smile
before I left.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I ran from the Ice Field Stadium as soon as I won my battle toward the
Grass Field, fully expecting Satoshi to be waiting for me at the front gate.
Imagine my surprise when he wasn't there and I learned he was still
I ran inside just in time to catch the last bit of the battle.
B.B. had a Sandslash held tightly in his vines, I looked at the board.  They
were on their last pokemon.
Sandslash began chewing on the whips as B.B. tightened his grip, taking
his pain out on Sandslash.
Suddenly it had chewed from the vines and was free!  My jaw dropped,
impossible!  Ground types are weak against Plant!  And the Sandslash
was at a double disadvantage on the Grass Field!
I looked at Meowth, he shook his head sadly.  Satoshi wasn't going to
win this.
Oh my poor Satoshi!  We had trained for a year!  His pokemon were far
more powerful than mine and yet this guy was going to beat him!
Satoshi threw a Max Potion to B.B. who caught it.  Sandslash was
ridding itself of the vines that had previously belonged to B.B.
I winced when I heard the whip crack loudly.  It suddenly dug
underground, avoiding the Screech.
"Send your whips into the tunnel and grab it!"  Satoshi shouted.  B.B. did
just that.
The vines suddenly went taunt.
"Reel it in and blast it with Sleep Powder!"
If B.B. could pull this off, Satoshi would have a chance of winning after

~~~~~~Raptor's POV~~~~~~

I tapped my claws on the platform nervously, that Sandslash was really
I wanted to help so badly but I knew that would get father in big trouble
with the League.
So I had to settle with shouting encouragements to B.B.
Father winced when B.B. was thrown into the platform base by the
Sandslash that should've been sleeping by now.
I whimpered when I detected father's oncoming despair, so I tried to
make him happy with funny thoughts and images.
Unfortunately it didn't work, father's totally tuned me out.  So I crooned
with worry and turned back to the battle.
Poor B.B. was in really bad shape.
So I resumed my anxious toe tapping.
B.B. withstood another slam into the wall before he fainted.  I looked
quickly at father, sadness was written all over his face.
Suddenly I knew what I had to do to make him happy again.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I knew Raptor was trying to cheer me up, but it just wasn't working.
B.B. was getting totally messed up, watching the battle with concern I
seriously considered the idea of throwing in the towel so B.B. wouldn't
get hurt anymore.
"NO!  B.B.!"  I yelled when he was thrown into a wall yet again.
But unlike before he didn't get up.  Sandslash was breathing heavily.  
I recalled my fallen pokemon and fell to my knees.
I'd lost.
I was out of the competition now.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/taping/2426

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