Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Here I am again and all ready for season 2 of this fic for
the few of you that'll probably come banging on my door to demand I
finish this already.
As usual, Feedback would be greatly appreciated!  And so would
suggestions for the final chapter of my fic Forever.  I kinda got writers
block on that one.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues
Season 2

Round 4!
Chapter 15

I yawned as I lay down back into bed after grabbing some milk,
tomorrow I had the Ice Field and Musashi had the Water Field.
Things had screeched to a halt after the Rocket incident, and stayed that
way for about a week until the well- oiled machine that's known as the
Pokemon League was up and running again.
It was another four pokemon fight, so I'd be using Zeus, Tananda,
Makaar and Flutter.
Those four could handle it.  I'd have to keep training B.B., Pippi and
Lullaby more, things would be much harder after this round and I
couldn't have them slacking off.  I pulled an evolution stone from the
drawer of the bedside table and looked at it.  I had gone through a lot of
trouble to get it . . . I could only hope Pippi was ready for it. 
Finally the milk took effect and I drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I grunted as something knicked my still sore tail and looked up.  Looking
rather shaken Raptor was climbing into Satoshi's bed.  Poor kid must've
had a nightmare, I guess it was okay for him to be climbing into bed with
Satoshi who he saw as a father figure of sorts.
He curled up and rested his head on Satoshi's chest.  I just shrugged and
went back to sleep.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

The sun hit my face, waking me up.  I stretched and sat up, making sure
not to hit Meowth.  He liked his 'beauty sleep'.
As annoying as the cat is I wouldn't trade him for any pokemon in the
world, not even a Mew.  Of course I'd never admit that out loud.
"Awww . . . now that's cute.  Got a camera Musashi?"  Julie crooned, I
turned my head to see what she was looking at.
"You're right, that is cute."  I pulled my polaroid from my bag and
snapped a couple of pictures. One for Julie and one for me.
As usual Satoshi was sprawled all over the mattress and Raptor was all
curled into a ball with his head resting on Satoshi's chest.  One of
Satoshi's arms were flung over Raptor's back.
I've never envied the Psychic as much as I did at that moment.
Being careful not to trip over Inferno's tail Julie and I made our way to
the kitchen.
"You sleep well Musashi?"
I yawned.
"Like a baby, I'm just lucky Meowth doesn't snore anymore."
"He used to snore?"
"Like a buzzsaw!"  I laughed.
(Keep it down you gabbing girls!  Some of us were trying to sleep!) 
Inferno growled as he walked in.
I stuck out my tongue at him.
He returned the gesture.
I'm glad Inferno and I are on better terms now.
"Dumb reporters, 'least I nailed one of them."  Satoshi yawned as he
came in.  "But I can consider my alarm clock totally unrecoverable. 
Don't those people have a social life?"
We chuckled.
(Not that we know of.)  Inferno snorted.  (Want me to clear a path so you
can actually walk to your next battles?)
We thought about that, then nodded.  I'd seen the damaged cameras
when I got here last week, I knew they'd hurry out of Inferno's way.
"Who're you using on the Water Field?"  Satoshi asked.
"Venusaur, Raichu, Blastoise and Pidgeot.  How about you?"
"Zeus, Flutter, Tananda and Makaar.  I figure I'll give the people in the
stands a real scare when he pops out.  How's your tail Inferno?"
Julie, Inferno and I chuckled.
(It's better, Nurse Joy said I could fight now.  Though it'll be tender for
Satoshi smiled, I love it when he does that.
"We'd better get going, you've got a battle in half an hour." 
I jumped up.
"WHAAAAT!  It's that laaaate?!"  I grabbed my pokemon and waited
impatiently at the door.  Satoshi grabbed his pokemon and got Inferno to
meet us at the door.  I could see Raptor's pokeball on his belt.
Once we opened the door the reporters tried to swarm us, one roar from
Inferno cleared that up quickly.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Water Field!  On the Red side
fielding Venusaur, Raichu, Blastoise and Pidgeot, Musashi!  On the
Green side fielding Electabuzz, Parasect, Kadabra and Persian,
Heh, I hope Meowth's watching.  He'd love to see me kick a Persian's
butt.  So would Inferno for that matter.
"I'm here to bring you attack by attack coverage of this battle!  The coin
is in the air . . . Musashi must send out her pokemon first!"
I hissed a curse under my breath as my hand wavered over my pokeballs.
"Go Raichu!"
"Musashi has chosen to start out with a Raichu!  How will Moenokori
"Electabuzz, go."  She almost whispered as she allowed the pokeball to
drop onto the field.
I winced, Raichu's electric attacks would be worthless . . .
"Moenokori sends out an Electabuzz!  Raichu's electricity won't work!"  
"You think I don't know that?"  I grumbled quietly.
"Aaaaand Electabuzz starts with Agility!  Raichu counters with Swift! 
Ohhhh!  You know that's gotta hurt folks!  Electabuzz is seeing red!  It
charges Raichu with a Mega Punch, Raichu jumps to the right and
launches itself right into Electabuzz's stomach!  It stumbles . . . Raichu is
on the offensive with a Quick Attack!"
<"Go Raichu!">

I felt her mental shrug.
Suddenly Electabuzz tripped and plunged into the water.
"Raichu Thunder!"
Raichu hunched over and powered up.  Sparks crackled from her yellow
sacks just before she gave a cry and released all that pent up power into
the water.
I was thankful the platforms didn't conduct electricity.
"Aaaand Electabuzz is toast!  What a stroke of luck for Musashi that it
fell into the water!"
I winced, inwardly I felt Machop wince as well.  I didn't want to win
because of luck, I wanted to win because of skill!
"Return.  Kadabra, go."
I winced understandably, this one was going to be hard.  But I had to
remember, powerful mind, weak body.  I opted to keep Raichu in.

<"Make sure Raichu keeps moving, and use only physical attacks.">

"Musashi is keeping Raichu in for the battle against Moenokori's
Kadabra!  Kadabra starts off with Psychic!  It looks like the kid gloves
are off now!  Raichu is running circles around it!  Kadabra can't get a
clear lock!  Raichu Body Slams Kadabra!  It retaliates with Psybeam! 
Raichu is down!"
"C'mon Raichu!  Stop playing around!"  I shouted to her, I knew she
could withstand more than that!  She was playing possum to get
Kadabra's guard down.
"Holy Moly folks!  Raichu is up and launches a Quick Attack!  Kadabra
has had enough!  It's Psychic hits Raichu full force!  Ohhhh!  You know
that's got to hurt!  Raichu's confused!  Get down folks!  It's Thunder
Bolts are going everywhere!  Musashi's trying to talk Raichu out of it . . .
. . . No luck!  A Thunder Bolt hits Kadabra, it's down for the count.  One
of the Thunder Bolts hits the platform!  Musashi's trying to recall it!  She
doesn't realize her platform's going to collapse!"
Did he just say what I thought he said?
I felt the platform rumble beneath me, I froze.
<"Musashi move!"> Machop yelled.
I tried, but my legs wouldn't listen.
Rows of sharp teeth grabbed my shirt, the owner of them jumped straight
up into the air.
<(I got you, don't worry!  Father told me to help you!  Just . . . don't
look down.)>
I looked down, and screamed.  We were about 35 feet in the air.  Raptor
had jumped 15 feet!  I knew this because the platform was 20 feet high.
<(Stop moving!)>
Down below the platform collapsed, I guess that's the end of this match.
My arm finally obeyed me and I managed to recall Raichu who had finally
stopped moving.
I felt a drop of sweat land on my shoulder and realized what a huge effort
it was for Raptor to keep us in the air.  He whimpered, his energy was
being depleted to keep us aloft.
I had a new respect for the young Psychic.
"Why don't you just land?"
Another whimper.
<(Don't know how.)>
I looked down again, there was a net!
"Raptor!  There's a net below us!"  I called to him.  Suddenly I felt
gravity grip us and pull us down.  I saw Satoshi running along the field.
Glancing at Raptor I saw his eyes closed as we fell and I realized he was
totally depleted.
"What an amazing save by Raptor folks!  This exciting match will
continue once the temporary platform is rolled in!"
Satoshi had run straight to Raptor and was worrying over him.  I wasn't
insulted, I totally understood.  After he recalled the fainted Raptor he
smiled at me and gave me a hug.
From my position on the net I finally did something I'd been longing to
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!"  I yelled at the announcer.
To my surprise he actually did.

I stood on the temporary platform, preparing to send out Pidgeot.
She had two pokemon left, Parasect and Persian.
Pidgeot could probably handle them both with ease and his air advantage.

<"Yes my friend?">

<"Hey, that's what I'm here for, I'm your conscious now.">
I chuckled inwardly at the private joke and focussed on the battle.
"Go Pidgeot!"
"Musashi continues with Pidgeot!  Moenokori sends out Parasect! 
Pidgeot starts with Wing Attack, Parasect counters Spore!  Pidgeot's
 I groaned inwardly.
"Wake up Pidgeot!"  I yelled to the sleeping bird, he twitched but
continued to snooze.  After a Slash Attack I heard a loud whistle sound.
I recognized that!  He was waking up!
"Fly!"  I called.
"Pidgeot's up and in the air!  Parasect is at it's mercy unless it can put
Pidgeot to sleep again!  Pidgeot swoops down with a Wing Attack! 
Parasect uses Slash, direct hit!  But Pidgeot's still flying.  Pidgeot uses
Whirlwind and Parasect is blown away!"
Moenokori recalled Parasect, I recalled Pidgeot.  The Spore he'd been
blasted with was slowing him down.
I'd use Blastoise against her Persian, I'm sure Meowth would like to see
it get soaked with water, especially wet water.
I grinned.
"Persian go."
"Go Blastoise!"
"This is sure to be an interesting match!  Persian against Blastoise! 
Persian starts with Fury Swipes!  Ooooh!  That's gotta hurt!  Blastoise
jumps into the water . . . Persian is soaked and it's not too happy about
"Hah!  Take dat!"  I heard Meowth yell.  I chuckled, he's never been fond
of Persians.
"Blastoise has vanished under the surface of the water!  Persian can't see
"Hydro Pump!"
"Persian is out for the count after Blastoise's surprise attack!  Musashi is
the winner!"
"YES!"  I shouted as I gave Blastoise a hug.
(Need a lift Musashi?)  I heard Inferno rumble from behind me.  I looked
at the onrush of reporters and recalled Blastoise.
When we were in the air both Inferno and I stuck our tongues out at


    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/taping/2426

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