Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Here I am again and all ready for season 2 of this fic for
the few of you that'll probably come banging on my door to demand I
finish this already.
As usual, Feedback would be greatly appreciated!  And so would
suggestions for the final chapter of my fic Forever.  I kinda got writers
block on that one.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues
Season 2

Soon To Meet The Elite
Chapter 18

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

The Poke-Nomads had left two weeks ago, Rare Beauty and I were still
sore after a very rough battle.
There were nine trainers left, Satoshi had battled three of them for his
position in the top eight.  Only one more battle would ensure his position.
I winced and rubbed my ribs, unfortunately Rare Beauty, Candy and I
were laid up in the Pokemon Centre.  Flutter, Lullaby and Paradox had
gotten off easy compared to us.
At least they were still in fighting condition.  The three of us had taken a
beating in that third battle and we couldn't fight for another week.
Admittedly I was a little distracted for a few days after I watched the
show and participated in it.
Rare Beauty and I finally knew why no one's seen the faces of the actors. 
It was simple, and yet we swore we'd never tell anyone.  Their costumes,
well, they weren't costumes.  That's what they really were.
*How are your ribs Inferno?* Candy asked.
*Better, how's your arm?* I gestured toward her cast.
*Nurse Joy says the cast can come off tomorrow.  Rare Beauty was
finally released yesterday.*  A Gyarados with cabin fever is definitely
something to be avoided.  That lesson would remain etched in my mind,
Rare Beauty had nearly torn her stitches while thrashing in a severe case
of cabin fever.  The Scyther had cut her up pretty badly.
I got stuck against a Machamp, trust me when I say the battle wasn't
pretty.  The same applied to Candy and another Primeape.  Rare Beauty
against Scyther as well.

"How're you holding up Inferno?"  Satoshi asked as he walked in after
leaving his pokemon with Nurse Joy.
*I've been better.* I grinned.
He's been visiting us every chance he gets.
"Any suggestions for who I should use against Jacob?"
Jacob was the fourth guy he had to fight and win against in order to get
into the top eight, than against the Elite 4.
*I'm thinking Tananda, Zeus, Makaar, Chewy, Shelldon and Raptor.*
"Raptor and Makaar on the same team?"
I nodded.
*Makaar can handle any kind of Psychic type, Raptor would have
difficulty with them being Psychic himself.  And vice versa.*
"Yeah, good point.  And Raptor will need the practice for the Elite 4, he
hasn't been in that may battles."  He paused.  "I'd give you a hug but I
don't want to hurt you."
I shrugged and gave him a hug anyway, I could take a little pain.

Candy and I sat on the couch with a couple of sugar-free munchies to
watch the match between Satoshi and Jacob.
If you don't know who we're rooting for you'd better get a CAT scan.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the battle that will tell the world who
will be in the top eight and go to face the Elite 4!  On the Green side is
Satoshi fielding Fearow, Pikachu, Banshee, Raticate, Cloyster and
Raptor!  On the Red side is Jacob fielding Scyther, Alakazam, Magneton,
Onyx, Hitmonlee and Dragonite!"
Candy and I winced, how'd this guy get a Dragonite of all pokemon?
*Who do you think Satoshi will use against Dragonite?* Candy asked.
I frowned as I thought.
*Tough call.  Of the team he has five of them have more experience, but
Raptor is stronger.* I grunted, this was sure to be an interesting battle
"The coin is in the air . . . Satoshi must send out his pokemon first!"  
Not a good way to start a battle.
"I choose you, Chewy!"
"Satoshi starts out with Raticate!  Jacob sends out Hitmonlee!"
"Stonebreaker Fang!"
"Rolling Kick!"
Chewy ducked the kick and suddenly blurred as he launched his attack,
when he stopped Hitmonlee was still standing, barely.
"Hyper Fang!"
"Hitmonlee is unable to battle!  Raticate wins!  Satoshi is keeping
Raticate in for Jacob's next pokemon.  Jacob sends out Scyther!"
I didn't have to be Psychic to know what was going on in Satoshi's head,
I knew Rare Beauty's messy battle with a Scyther was running through
his mind.
"Stay away from the blades and finish this quick!  Stonebreaker Fang!"
Unfortunately Jacob seemed to have anticipated this.
"Double Team!"
I saw Satoshi wince at that.  He bit his lip.
"Quick Attack, right!"

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

It was a hunch, one that I hoped was right for Chewy's sake or Nurse Joy
would be treating him for cuts soon enough.
He lunged at the Scyther on the right . . .
And passed right through it.
I uttered a curse that would've floored anyone who knew me.
"Focus Energy and Bite one at random!  Try to smell it out!"
I watched as he collected his remaining energy and lashed out at the
Scyther coming in from behind him.
Direct hit!  I jumped and called for Hyper Fang.  Scyther, already weak
from Double Team fainted.
"Great Job Chewy!"  I shouted, he gave me a weak smile before he
wobbled.  I recalled him.  He was definitely getting a treat after this
match, they all were!
I grabbed Tananda's pokeball the same time he grabbed his.  At the same
time we tossed out our pokemon.
"Jacob has selected Onyx!  Satoshi's Fearow will have a hard time with
Hard time indeed.  Even I wasn't sure what to do.  This was the mis-
match of all mis-matches.

<"I have no idea what to do either.">
I groaned and looked at Tananda circling over the Onyx.
What to do?  What to do?  As long as she was in the air Onyx couldn't
touch her.  But she couldn't injure Onyx as long as she stayed up there.
"Damn . . ."  I muttered quietly.
"Feather Barrage!"
Perhaps this would at least take Onyx down to half strength.  Hopefully. 
Granted Feather Barrage was powerful, I just didn't know if it'd be
powerful enough to k.o. Onyx.
<"I pray to the Fire God that it is."> Charmeleon murmured as he picked
up on my thoughts.
Onyx roared.  I called for a Drill Peck and it roared again before there
was silence.  I and everyone watching waited for the dust to settle to see
if Onyx had fainted or not.
"Tananda!  Blow away the dust!"  I told her, she gave a weak nod and
secured herself to the railing before flapping her wings.
"Oh no!  A Meowth has wandered onto the field!"  My eyes widened.  
I wasn't sure if I said that or Jacob did.
Onyx suddenly lunged from the dust cloud and speeded toward the stray.
"Tananda!  Save it!"
Fearows weren't built for speed, but in that moment I swear I've never
seen her move so fast!
Jacob shouted for Onyx to stop, Onyx didn't hear him.
I held my breath, this was going to be close . . .
Tananda swooped down and grabbed the cat in her claws, when I saw
Onyx's tail about to crash down on her I shouted a warning.  In her panic
she let loose another Feather Barrage.  It fainted and she glided up to me,
Gently I took the cat from her talons, it was in bad shape and shivering
from it's ordeal.
"Shhhh . . ."  I muttered as I scratched behind it's . . . no, her ears.  
"Mrow . . ."  I heard her whimper as she finally opened her eyes and got a
good look at me while I examined her wounds.  Lots of cuts and bruises,
maybe a broken bone.
"Everything will be alright."  I murmured.  "Tananda, take Meowth and
tell Musashi to take her to the Pokemon Centre.  I'll meet you there after
the match."  Tananda nodded her head.
"Don't worry little one, Tananda won't hurt you."
Tananda gently picked her up in her talons and began searching for
Musashi and Meowth.
Poor little thing, she was just a kitten really.

"This has been an exciting battle!  Both trainers are down to their last
I shot a glare at the announcer before looking at the pokeball that held my
last pokemon.
"Go, Dragonite!"
I winced, could Raptor handle that?
<"Raptor will be fine, trust him.">

<"You can't keep coddling him!  He needs the experience.">

<"Look, Draco could handle that easily.  And Raptor can beat Draco, see
what I'm saying?">
"I guess . . ."  I muttered.  "Be careful Raptor.  I choose you, Raptor!"
"You can take it Raptor!  Psychic!"
"Hyper Beam!"
Dragonite winced as Psychic hit, Raptor grunted as the shield withstood
the onslaught of Hyper Beam.
"Dragon Rage!"
I bit my lip as he was caught in the watery cyclone.
A brown blur was suddenly ejected and thrown into a wall.
"RAPTOR!"  I yelled desperately, just itching to run to him.  The referee
walked over to determine his condition when Raptor suddenly gave his
chilling shriek and jumped over him!
Even I took an involuntary step back when I saw the look in his violet
eyes and the dark violet Psychic aura engulfing his body like flames.
Dragonite had just made a very grave error, it had made the normally
gentle Raptor VERY angry. Actually, he was WAY beyond angry.  He
was seething.
The large Dragon type took a step back as Raptor hovered about a foot
off the ground.  I winced, if you think an angry Charizard is scary, a
seething Raptor will give you nightmares for weeks.
I shook my head to clear it, Raptor had to get rid of all that built up
Psychic energy fast!  So I called for his most powerful, so far that is,
"Psy Bomb!"
The aura drained into his mouth and he launched it.  Even Dragonite
couldn't withstand that much Psychic energy.

Raptor and I appeared in the Pokemon Centre, he had teleported us to
get away from the reporters.  After congratulating him on his victory I
recalled him and handed him to Nurse Joy.
"How's the Meowth?"  I asked her.  She gave a quiet smile and led me to
the recovery room.
"She's doing quite well.  It's a good thing you saved her from the Onyx,
she wouldn't have survived that.  Unfortunately it seems her trainer had
abandoned her, she wouldn't survive in the wild."
My heart sank as I listened to Nurse Joy and looked at the recovering
 I thought.
"I'll take her Joy."  I sighed, she positively beamed.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

Because she was too young to name herself, Satoshi had named her
Bastet.  Bastet absolutely adored him, she followed him everywhere. 
Satoshi drew the line at the shower though.
He'd spent the majority of dinner trying to make something she'd eat. 
Like the goddess she was named after she was very picky.  Finally, about
an hour after the pokemon and the girls had finished dinner Bastet finally
approved of a recipe.
Now it was night and I chuckled at the scene before me.  Satoshi was fast
asleep, Raptor and Bastet were quietly arguing over who would get to
sleep with him.
*I'm younger!*
<*I'm stronger!*>
<*Brat!*> He hissed.
I decided to intervene before things got to ugly.
*Calm down children.* I gently chided. *Why don't you two just share? 
There's certainly plenty of room for the both of you.*
I chuckled as they gave each other a startled look, apparently the idea
hadn't occurred to them.
Shaking my head as I watched them clamour over each other for a prime
spot I couldn't help but wonder what Satoshi was thinking to take her in.
Eventually she'll grow into Persian, the most ill spirited of pokemon with
their haughty attitude.
Perhaps not though, Raticates are normally very rude.  But Chewy isn't.
But if Satoshi could mould her into a kind pokemon as he did for Chewy .
. . I swear he'll turn into a God one of these days, performing miracles
like that.
Tomorrow is a big day for all of us, tomorrow we began our trip down
Victory Road to meet the first of the Elite 4, the Ice Mistress Lorelei.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/taping/2426

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