Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Here I am again and all ready for season 2 of this fic for
the few of you that'll probably come banging on my door to demand I
finish this already. 
As usual, Feedback would be greatly appreciated!  And so would
suggestions for the final chapter of my fic Forever.  I kinda got writers
block on that one.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues
Season 2

Lucas: The Final Battle Before The Master
Chapter 25

I sat in the chair in the Centre while I waited for Inferno and the other's
to be treated.  When they were I'd have fifteen minutes to prepare for the
battle against Lucas.
I meanwhile took this opportunity to relax my nerves, being calm and
collected was the only way I'd have a chance to defeat Lucas and the
Pokemon Master.
<"You shouldn't be so nervous, think of it as just another battle.  That's
what it is after all.">
He had a good point.

~~~~~~Ramona's POV~~~~~~

I dreamed . . .
In my dream, the roles were reversed.
In my dream, we were the trainers.  Humans were the pokemon.
You must understand that for most pokemon this would be the best
dream of all.  But not for me.  For some reason this dream always
disturbs me.
Perhaps it's because I chose Satoshi as my trainer, not the other way
around.  I'd wanted to become stronger so my sisters would no longer
pick on me for being the smallest and the weakest.
Heh, I guess I showed them.  I'm not weak anymore.
I'll never forget the look on the face of my family when Draco took me to
visit them.  They'd been so shocked!
And now, my strength is being put to the ultimate test here in the
Pokemon League, we're only one battle away from facing the Pokemon
My kind, the Marowak, we are classified as the Bone Keeper pokemon. 
Our Children are known as Lonely pokemon.
Sadly this is true, our Children are not fond of interaction with other

I admit I lost it when I was up against Bruno's pokemon, being restrained
in Machoke's Submission and Onyx's Bind brings back bad memories
that I never really got over.
I felt my pokeball being moved before it opened.  I yawned and stretched.
"How's everyone feeling?"
All six of us grinned and practically tackled Satoshi affectionately, we've
never gotten over this habit, Satoshi doesn't really mind that much when
we do.
"Time for a pep talk.  Listen up, this coming battle is the second most
important in all our lives, and we're gonna give it our all, right?!"
He gave a good impression of a drill sergeant when he stood up, I had to
"I can't hear you!"
*Sir!  Yes Sir!* We all hollered before breaking out in a fit of laughing. 
Satoshi was laughing so hard he was clutching his sides.
"Oh man . . . he he he . . . I so needed that!"  He managed to squeeze out
before trying to get himself under control.
Mind you I had been reduced from roaring laughter to quiet chuckles by
I think he did this to ease some of the pressure of this match so we didn't
freeze up, and he was right, I think we all needed that.
Turning my head slightly I looked at my friends and battle comrades,
however the most intriguing one so far to my eyes was Raptor.
Sometimes, not often though.  When he was totally at ease some of his
thoughts leaked to whoever was out of their pokeball at the moment.  He
doesn't do it intentionally, he just hasn't quite grasped how to block his
thoughts yet.
I'm sure that with practice he'll get better.
"Okay everyone, in your pokeballs."
As he recalled everyone one by one I gently rapped his hand as he was
about to recall me, making him drop my pokeball.
"Ramona?"  He blinked.
*I want to stay out and watch.*
Truthfully I'd been getting a little jealous of Inferno alway's being able to
stay out.
Satoshi shrugged.
"Sure.  But you didn't have to rap me like that, you could've just asked."
I had the grace to look a little embarrassed at that.

As Satoshi climbed up to the platform I sat on his shoulders, my body
was never meant to climb ladders.
I jumped from his shoulders once we were at the top.
"I'm not gonna go easy on you Lucas!"  He called across good naturedly. 
Lucas replied in kind.
"Neither am I Satoshi!"
The referee on the sidelines announced that it would be a six on six battle
with no time limit before he flipped the coin that would determine who
would send out their pokemon first.  
Satoshi had to.
*Not a good way to start a battle.*
"Don't worry about it Ramona, I can handle a little bad luck.  I just can't
handle a lot . . ."  By the way he muttered the last part under his breath I
don't think I was supposed to hear it.
"I choose you, Shelldon!"

Shelldon, like Inferno, has always enjoyed a good battle.
"A Cloyster eh?  Let's see it handle this!  Front and centre Raichu!"
"Freezer Burn!"
He clamped his shell shut a second before the Thunder hit, the electric
attack that has the ability to K.O. a Dragonite bounced harmlessly off his
The instant freezing water, I think Satoshi calls it 'Liquid Nitrogen' shot
from Shelldon's cannons and instantly froze Raichu.
However Lucas sprayed a full heal and the ice melted, leaving a still
conscious, if chilly Raichu standing in a puddle of water.
"Ice Beam!"
"Thunder Bolt!"
The two attacks raced toward each other, and collided.  The Thunder
Bolt did more damage than the Ice Beam.
The electric attack had raced along the beam of ice, colliding and
electrocuting both Shelldon and Raichu.
Both of them were going to be feeling that for a while.

~~~~~~Mystery POV~~~~~~

It had been difficult getting the camera into the battle arena, but in the
end it was ultimately worth it.
I was able to watch him now, keep a careful eye on him.
No, he is not my enemy.  I owe him a great debt.
And when the time is right I will repay him.
Brother comes from behind and watches the screen with me.  Even
though they have not met he likes the boy.
Soon though, we will meet.  And it will not be under pleasant
circumstances.  I only pray it will not scar him.
Team Rocket has made a grave mistake by trying to play the role of the
Gods.  I can not help but wonder if the pokemon survives.
I pray that history will not repeat itself, a precious life had almost been
lost the first time.  
My brother prays as well.
So do the spirits.

~~~~~~Embrana's POV~~~~~~

A shiver runs down my spine and I look out the window in worry. 
There's something in the air and I'm not sure if I should be happy or
I loath being unsure.
"'Rana?  Mama?"
Nodoka is learning to speak, she's early but that's not what worries me
about her.
It's her uncanny ability to understand me and the other pokemon.  Even
wild ones.
Rana is what she calls me, she can't really say my full name.  Yet.
*Mama will be home soon.* I murmur as I pick her up.  Misty is doing
some shopping for when Satoshi gets back.  Nodoka nods.
Looking at the clock I see it's time for her show.  I sigh, the show makes
me want to puke but Nodoka throws a royal fit if either me or Misty isn't
there to watch it with her.
My stomach started churning as soon as the show started.  Bleah.
 I thought as I absentmindedly turned
the two eggs under the heater with my tail.  Their hatching would be any
day now.
It seemed Inferno might not make it here in time for the hatching after all.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I sweated as Lance sent out his fourth pokemon, another Dragonair. 
Vaporeon was getting tired but I'm positive she still has one more fight
left in her.
"Vaporeon, Blizzard!"
"Hyper Beam."
She dodged and let loose with Blizzard.  It was pretty weak.  I guess she
wouldn't be able to fight this one after all.
"Vaporeon return!  Lupis go!"
Lupis howled as soon as she was out of the pokeball and prepared to

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I squirmed and roared with anger as Lucas's Rhydon held me in a
Submission.  My tail flailed wildly as I tried to get it to connect with his
Finally I freed one of my arms and managed to surprise him with a Slash
attack across his face.  He was so surprised he finally let me go.
"Fire Blast!"
"Mega Punch!"
We released our attacks at the same time and as my attack hit his fist
buried itself into my gut.  Fuming with anger I grabbed his wrist which
was just pulling out and sent him flying with a perfect throw as I dropped
on my back, planted my feet onto his stomach and thrust him into a wall. 
I involuntarily winced as both wall and Rhydon collided, sending dust
I stood up and began panting heavily, he is one tough pokemon!  And I
don't mean it's just because he's a Rock type.
Before I knew what hit me a dark shape Rammed into me, sending me
into the opposing wall.  Shaking the webs from my head I stood up again. 
We were both tired, one of us had to give sooner or later and a sure bet
was that I wouldn't let it be me.
"Fire Claw!"
I grinned, that Satoshi's calling for it means he knows Rhydon's weak
enough for it to be effective.
One Fire Claw later Rhydon had bit the dust and I weakly fell to one
knee, breathing heavily.
"Awesome battle Inferno!  Return!"
I weakly sidestepped the beam from my pokeball and used my last
drudges of strength to fly up to the platform.  I wanted to watch Satoshi's
last pokemon take out Lucas's last pokemon.
"Front and centre Houndoom!"
I blinked.
Satoshi blinked.
The pokemon that emerged looked like it had come from the Underworld
itself.  Vaguely dog-like with a nasty looking horn above each eye, a
spear-ended tail and the blackest of black.  And was that brimstone I
smelled from it?
"Houndoom, the Devil pokemon. An Evil/Fire type.  It is said that if you
get burned by it's fire, the burn will never heal.  Houndoom is resistant
against Psychic attacks because it is an Evil type."  The tinny voice of
Satoshi's pokedex reported.
"Part Fire type huh?  Rare Beauty can handle that."
I nodded as he prepared to send her out.  But he paused as his eyes
flickered from me to Houndoom to the pokeball in his hand.  He remained
like that for a few moments.
Suddenly, before I knew it I was being drawn into my pokeball the last
words I heard before I was drawn in was Satoshi saying . . .
"I forfeit.  You win."

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/taping/2426

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