Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile
now.  Two weeks ago I
started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an
opportunity!  The rest of
this fic will be in Satoshi's POV.  Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV
and Inferno's POV
every now and then.  Enjoy!  (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

On The Road Again
Chapter 8

Now what to do?  I was totally and utterly bored.
Musashi, Meowth, Inferno and I were on our way to Vermillion City.  At
least we thought that
was the way to Vermillion . . .
Ok, we have no idea where we are.  We are totally lost.
 Mom always said that Dad had the worst sense
of direction.
"We're lost and it's all your fault Satoshi!  We've been wandering for two
weeks!  I told you we
should've stuck to the path, but nooooo . . . you said this was a shortcut .
. ."
And here we go again with the nagging, I shot Meowth a desperate look. 
He gave a helpless look
back and shrugged.  No help there . . .
I sat down and leaned against a tree, recalling the battle with my Aunts
for the Cascade badge.

~~~Flashback: Cerulean Gym~~~

"I challenge you for the Cascade Badge!"
"Like, sure.  When have we, like, ever refused our fave nephew?"  Aunt
Daisy said.  I sighed.
"I'm your only nephew."
Safe from the water that was sure to be flying soon Inferno sat in the
bleachers with baby Clefairy
on his head so she could watch.  She had decided to join us, but she
refused the pokeball.
I stood on the platform floating in the water.
"Like, go Starmie!"
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
The pokeball opened and deposited Pikachu on one of the other
"Like, Tackle!"
"Agility and Thunder Bolt!"
He evaded Starmie and launched one of his more powerful attacks.
"In the water!"
Oh man, I forgot that Water types can recover in the water.  But then
again, water conducted
Electricity.  I smiled.
"Pikachu, Thunder."
"Pikachupi ka pika."  (I was hoping you'd say that.)
Aunt Daisy paled.
One down, two to go.
"Great job Pikachu!  Return!"
"Like, poor Starmie."
Aunt Violet replaced her at the platform.
"Go Seaking!"
"I choose you, Weepinbell!  Wrap!"
"Like, Horn Drill Seaking!"
Totally ineffective.  Weepinbell kept squeezing until Seaking fainted.
After he let go he attached
himself to my head.  I sighed and shot a dirty look at the laughing
pokemon in the bleachers as I
recalled my over-enthusiastic Plant into his pokeball.
"Oh no . . . like, return Seaking."  
It was Aunt Lily's turn now, I had to be careful.  She was good with her
Dewgong.  I reached for
Dratini's pokeball.
"Go . . ."  She smirked.  "Gyarados!"
My jaw dropped, when did she get a Gyarados?  Poor little Dratini
wouldn't stand a chance
against it.  But who in my current roster could handle it?  I couldn't use
Pikachu or Weepinbell,
they had already fought, Inferno was totally out of the question.  That left
Fearow and Rattata . . . 
I gulped and reached for a pokeball.
"I choose you, Fearow!"
"Fearowrow fear?"  (You're kidding, right?)  She gulped as she looked at
her opponent.
"Sorry Fearow, but you're my best hope here.  Dratini, Inferno and
Rattata wouldn't stand a
chance.  Besides, you've got the air advantage.  Watch out for Hyper
Beam and Dragon Rage,
those'll hurt if they make contact."
Aunt Lily waited patiently for me to finish our little talk.
"Fearow . . ."  (Okay . . .)  She muttered, unsure.
"You can do this Fearow, I know you can."
She nodded before taking to the air, thank goodness for the high ceilings! 
I had an ace up my
sleeve though . . .
"Let's finish this quick Gyarados, Hyper Beam!"  It reared back it's head
and gathered the energy,
I nodded at Fearow, who prepared to dodge.
Gyarados fired.
Fearow escaped with a few singed tail feathers.  Now to use my ace . . .
"Mirror Move!"
"RRRROOOOWWWWWW!"  She screeched as she let loose with the
copied attack.
Gyarados was so shocked it didn't move and was knocked out by it's own

"Like, that was pretty clever.  Here's your, like, Cascade badge.  You
earned it."  Aunt Daisy
smiled as she handed me the badge.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"You're not even listening to me are you?!"
"Chill out already Musashi."
"Chill out?  We're LOST!"
"So?  You can take this chance to capture a pokemon or two.  We'll set
up camp."  Inferno and I
began setting up the tents while Clefairy and Meowth went for firewood.
"Charizard chariz zard."  (She's such a spoiled brat.)
"Yeah, but what are ya gonna do?"
"Rizard chariz zard charchar char charizard?"  (Are you going to finish
the book tonight?)
I glanced at his eager face, how could I say no to that?
"Sure, there's only two chapters left anyway."
After finishing up the tents I plunked down beside Inferno and began
reading to him.  He really
enjoyed these nightly sessions.  One would think he wanted to learn how
to read.
Wait a minute . . .

The thought made me pause.
"Errr . . . nothing Inferno, a thought just crossed my mind.  Now, where
were we . . .?"
I kept reading the thought still nagging me.  Should I teach him?  Or let
him learn by himself?
"Fairy!  Clefairy clefairy!"
"Eh?  Meowth, care to translate?"
"I ain't that fluent in Clefairy.  Sorry kid."
"That's ok."

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I woke up in the middle of the night, the presence that was always
hovering around Satoshi was
What was going on?  
Slowly and carefully I pulled myself out of the tent and stood up.  The
fire was flickering.  I
looked at it carefully.
The flames jumped and took the shape of a Dewgong.
It clicked.
Kunzite was hovering around.
Without his partner he was sure to make a silent entrance.  That's what
the presence was trying to
tell me.  It was helping me protect Satoshi.
I scanned the bushes surrounding us, he could be anywhere.
The fire flared one more time, within the flames I saw an arrow pointing
toward a tree beside me
before flickering out.
If I ever found out what the presence was, I'd have to thank it.
To confuse him I swung my head around, like I was looking before going
in the opposite direction
and ducking behind a tree.
It was his move now.
A Venomoth flew toward Satoshi's tent.  I took to the air above it and
used a Flamethrower
before going on to his tree and toppling it with a solid hit from my tail. 
While he was stunned I
threw him into the air and hit him with my tail on the way down, sending
him into the horizon. 
The Venomoth began to stir.  I gave it a warning look.
It flew in the opposite direction I'd sent Kunzite.
Pulling out Butterfree's pokeball I let her out.  I needed to talk to her.
*It's late Inferno . . . what do you want?*
I told her everything that had just happened, including the presence.  I
figured since she was part
Psychic she might know what it was.
*This presence is always hovering around Satoshi, I was hoping you'd
know what it was.*
*It sounds like a ghost to me.*
*But can a ghost do the stuff I told you about?*
*No . . .* She admitted.
She sent out a gentle Psychic wave, I saw a glimmer of something.
*What was that?*
She frowned and sent a slightly stronger wave in the direction of the
A human shape appeared with something small on it's head, Butterfree
put more power into the
wave and we saw a man and a Pidgey.  He looked surprised before he
faded out.  Butterfree was
putting everything she had into the wave but he didn't appear again.
We looked at each other before she went back into her pokeball.
Tired, I went to sleep.  Still wondering.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

Man, what a beautiful morning!
I had a great feeling that we would find a town today.  I tried to nudge
Inferno awake but he only
grumbled and stayed asleep.  Lazy lizard.
I'll wake everyone up to the smell of breakfast.  I'm not a bad cook, in
fact, my pokemon love
their homemade pokechow.
Let's see here, Inferno likes his extra spicy.  Pikachu likes ketchup on his. 
Butterfree likes the
Blueberry and Raspberry sprinkles on hers.  Pidgeotto likes mashed
crickets mixed in his,
Geodude'll want hers mega-crunchy . . .  Clefairy likes hers extra sweet.
And I've yet to find out
how Dratini likes his food.
I made some omelets for me and Musashi.
There, everything's set!
I took my share of the omelet and waited for the morning stampede.
Musashi was first up, then Clefairy and Inferno who raced to their bowls. 
I let out my pokemon
and they all stampeded to their respective bowls.
While they were eating I began preparing the food for Fearow,
Weepinbell, Rattata and
"How's is it Dratini?"
"Tini!"  He nodded enthusiastically before inhaling his food.
I pulled out my notebook and wrote down that the food's good and to
find out the vitamins
Dratini needs.

After everything was packed up we headed for the town that was on my
map, it was small, but we
could restock our supplies there.

Finally we were there in the Pokemon Centre.  I flopped on the couch and
gave Nurse Joy my
pokemon.  While they were rejuvenating I pulled out Weepinbell, Fearow,
Jigglypuff and Rattata
so they could eat.
(My compliments to the chef!)  Fearow squawked.
The other three nodded.
I saw Musashi's Raticate look up from her store bought food at Rattata's
"Ticate?"  She asked.
Rattata looked thoughtful.  He rolled a few pieces toward Raticate who
picked them up and tried
(Of course they are, Satoshi made them.)
"Rat rat cate . . .?"
(If you asked nicely I'm sure he would.)
Ask who nicely?
Raticate came up to me, looking nervous.
(Ummm . . . I know I ain't yer pokemon but would'ja make me that food
Rattata gave her a glare.
(Uhhh . . . p - please?)
Another glare from Rattata.
(Thank you.)
"No problem."
She waddled toward Rattata and they shared.  I was impressed, Inferno
had told me that
Raticate's weren't polite at all and had bad language.

Musashi walked over from talking to a guy.  She had that look, she
wanted something.
"I think it's better if you let me lead the way to Vemillion, I don't wanna
get lost again.  And to
make up for lost time . . ."  She glared at me.  "We can cut through this
I looked at the map.  Indeed there was a path leading straight to
Vermillion.  But I had a bad
feeling . . .
"Alright, you lead."  I sighed.
If only I'd known . . .

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/taping/2426

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