Episode No. 823 - Yesterday Again


One fine day in Mariner Bay, Carter flies through the clouds inside his new mobile armour vehicle, testing the vehicle out. However, before too long, the gauges begin going haywire, sending the vehicle into a spin, and Carter ejects, leaping out and landing beside the vehicle - it was a simulation taking place in one of the Aquabase's laboratories, and the clouds and sky fade away as Ms Fairweather and Joel come forward. Carter remarks that the simulation was intense, but Joel tells Ms Fairweather that Carter will be ready to pilot the real mobile armour vehicle tomorrow, and the two leave.

The next morning at breakfast, Carter enters the galley and joins Joel, Chad and Dana. Several memorable events happen - Dana tells a really horrible joke from the newspaper she's reading, and the guys grimace, and when Kelsey enters on rollerblades, she accidently knocks over the chef, spilling bowls of food. As the teens help Kelsey clean up the mess, Joel leads Carter away to "earn his wings." In the lab, Ms Fairweather instructs Carter on flying the vehicle, and after some added words of encouragement from Joel, Carter morphs and gets inside the vehicle. Flying away from the Aquabase, Carter flies the vehicle over the city, but it soon begins to malfunction and Ms Fairweather instructs Carter to land. Just then, Olympius and one of his monsters arrive in Mariner Bay, and Joel races out of the lab, joining up with Dana, Chad and Kelsey and confronting the demons.

In the meantime, Carter has landed the mobile armour vehicle in a field and demorphed, hanging his jacket on a tree-branch before trying to repair the vehicle. In the city, the Rangers do not fare well against the demons, and call Carter for help. Carter quickly morphs, and after several attempts, he finally gets the vehicle in the air, and heads towards the city. Meanwhile, Chad has summoned the Rescue Bird, but as the weapon flies towards the Rangers, Olympius snags it out of midair, catching it, and aims it at the Rangers. Approaching as fast as he can, Carter can only watch in horror as Olympius fires the Unilaser at the four Rangers - and kills them all!

But suddenly, Carter and the flying vehicle are pulled into a strange warp tunnel, and a confused Carter is thrown around and around in midair before frantically leaping off the vehicle - Joel is suddenly there beside him, trying to calm down the frantic Red Ranger. Looking around, Carter finds himself back at the simulation - yesterday. He is stunned to see Joel alive, but Joel explains that it was just a simulation, using the same words he used to calm Carter down the day before. Again, Ms Fairweather asks Carter if he's ready to pilot the real mobile armour vehicle tomorrow, and again, Joel reassures Ms F, before leading Carter away. That night, Carter dreams about seeing Olympius destroy the team, and wakes up in a cold sweat.

The next morning, Carter joins Joel, Chad and Dana in the galley. Still disturbed from his dream, Carter is able to answer Dana's riddle and prevent Kelsey's accident with the chef, even though both events occurred the day before. At the lab, Ms Fairweather tells Carter the same things she told him yesterday, and Joel voices the same encouragement. Soon flying over the city in the mobile armour vehicle, Carter is not surprised to find the vehicle malfunctioning, and lands the vehicle in a very familiar grassy field. Already knowing what was wrong with the machine, Carter looks around - and sees his lightspeed jacket lying on the grass! He realises then that he did go back in time. Just then, Carter hears the call for help - he shouts into his communicator for Ms Fairweather to call the Rangers back, but is not heard. Climbing into the mobile armour vehicle, Carter lifts off and races into the city, knowing what will happen if he doesn't get there in time.

Just like yesterday, the Rangers summon the Rescue Bird, and Olympius catchs it, aiming it at them. However, just as he is about to fire, Carter zooms in on the mobile armour vehicle, blasting Olympius and destroying the monster in a volley of missile fire. Olympius takes flight and chases Carter, but is out-maneuvered and crashes to the ground. Returning, Carter lands, and the Rangers thank him, wondering what would've happened if he hadn't gotten there in time. Just then, Jinxer enlarges the monster, and the Rangers use all three Megazords - Omega, Super Train and Lightspeed - to destroy him once and for all. In the Skull Cavern, Bansheera chews out Olympius for failing her yet again. Back in the Aquabase, Ms Fairweather is telling Carter that he shouldn't have any more problems with the mobile armour vehicle when the Rangers enter. Happily presenting Carter with his own cowboy hat, they tell him that he's a sky cowboy now too.


I must say right off the bat, I am impressed. We haven't seen a good time travel episode since season four, and this one was wonderful, continuing the high standard that Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue has been setting. Kudos go to Carter for an excellent job this episode, particularly in his efforts to figure out just what the heck was going on. And I must say, that scene immediately after the time warp where he leaped off the mobile armoured vehicle shaking and convulsing in terror - incredible. The audience could really feel what Carter was feeling.

Some people have noticed that the second day had some minor differences to the first day, which shouldn't have been there since they were the same day. But everything can be attributed to Carter - his actions during the second day were different to this actions the first day, which of course set up chain reactions in the people around him so that the situations would be altered the second time around. Temporal mechanics 101, easy. My only complaint about this episode was Carter's attributing his success to the mobile armoured vehicle. It just didn't sound right. Carter, if the darn thing had actually worked in the first place, the entire mess never would have happened!

And one final note - three Megazords! Awesome.


Things to Look Out For

Best Line of the Episode

I've just gotta award the best line of this episode to Joel, for his reply to Carter's 'learnt from the best' comment - "So true." While funny in itself, the expression on Dana's face just behind him is absolutely hilarious.

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