Blackarachnia's Origins

Blackarachnia originated from a Maximal stasis pod that was stolen by the Predacons. Tarantulas reprogramed the protoform Maximal inside into a Predacon. And thus Blackarachnia, the object of three separate robot's desires, would remain loyal to the Ptredacons until a certain point in Transformers history.

A Protoform is a formless robot that lies dormant inside a stasis pod. Whichever side gets to the stasis pod first can program the protoform within the pod into whatever they desire.

Megatron's attempt to alter history put Blackarachnia's life and the lives of the Maximals in a great deal of danger. Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were the first ones to rise up after Megatron's attempt to destroy Optimus Prime.

Megatron met up with Blackarachnia outside the Autobot base. He blasts her just as the Maximals approach the outside. Cheetor comments on how many times Optimus has switched and upgraded bodies. Rattrap jokes that he changes them often enough. He reminds him to get moving.

Rattrap then radios Rhinox for help stating that Silverbolt had a situation outside. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia have a brief exchange of words. Silverbolt expresses to Blackarachnia that his heart belonged to her and that she what happened to her wasn't her fault.

Silverbolt pleads with Blackarachnia to become a Maximal. Blackarachnia says that for him she would become a Maximal but as a Predacon and she goes into stasis lock. Silverbolt howls in dispair but Rhinox and Rattrap are quick to point out that she's only in stasis lock.

The Maximals we're in the midst of figuring out a way to return BA to her old Maximal self which causes her to run away from the base. She thinks to herself that she loves Silverbolt but thinks that Optimus and Rhinox would rather slag her than let her be what she is.

At the end of her ordeal with Dinobot she admitted to Optimus that she over heard him and Rhinox planing to "unzip" her core. Optimus explains to Blackarachnia that with reprograming she could become the Maximal she was always intended to be, but the dicision to reprogram Blackarachina, would always be her decision to make. Hopping on Silverbolt she admits that it was sweet the way Silverbolt went after her and the feeling was more than mutual when she confessed the truth to Optimus. Silverbolt said that they would "make a Maximal out of Blackarachnia yet!" Blackarachnia replied snidely: "in your dreams! I like myself just the way that I am and I intend to stay this way. HOME ROVER!"

Then in a botched attempt to give herself a new Transmetal 2 form Blackarachnia and the Maximals discovered that the shell program that Tarantuals had implanted in her protoform was deteriorating and if they did nothing she would go insane and her entire core would be wiped.

Rhinox then offers Blackarachnia some salvation. He then asks her to undergo a dangerous operation which could save her life or kill her and leave her a blank. Blackarachnia agrees to it and then walks out of the base. Silverbolt comes out behind her and asks if she's alright. Blackarachnia confides in Silverbolt saying that she isn't too terribly optimistic about the out come of the operation but before she can continue talking she is thrown into another seizure. Silverbolt scoops up Blackarachnia and brings her back to the base.

Rhinox is preparing to remove the Predacon shell program from Blackarachnia's core conseince, the part of her core processor that makes up Blackarachnia's mind, and giving her a better survival rate.

Tarantulas is awakened by an alarm sounding that indicates that the Maximals are attempting to tamper with Blackarachnia's shell program. Megatron figures that the Maximals wouldn't have even thought of tampering with BA's shell program unless she passed the Arc's access codes on to someone else. Tarantulas then figures out that she's passed the access codes on to Optimus which is perfect for the plans that he has for him. Megatron asks about Blackarachnia. Tarantulas hints that Blackarachnia will never survive the attempt to release her from her Predacon programing stating that the shell program has "safe gaurds" designed to stop any and all attempts at taking the shell out.

Megatron then orders Tarantulas to lead an attack on the Maximal base in a desperate attempt to do away with Blackarachnia.

Rhinox is busily trying to sever the shell program from Blackarachnia's core concience when all of a sudden one of Tarantulas's safe gaurds starts to fly loose in her circuitry. Rhinox tracks it down and destroys it before it has a chance to reach Blackarachnia's core consience.

Then the base starts to shake very violently disrupting the base power. Rattrap is quick to announce that the Pedacons are attacking the base. Bringing the autoguns online Rattrap tries to get rid of the Predacons. Optimus asks Rattrap how things are going. Rattrap is observant in noticing that the Predacons are shooting from cover and they're aiming at the walls. Optimus then figures out that the Predacons are trying to disrupt the base power by concentrating their firepower on the walls.

Rhinox tells Silverbolt to keep the base power steady while he continues to work on severing the last 2 links of the Predacon shell program that's attached to Blackarachnia's spark.

Before Rhinox could sever the remaining links to Blackarachnia's shell program, 2 more of Tarantulas's safe gaurds fly loose in her circuitry. Rhinox manages to destroy one of the safe gaurds before it reached Blackarachnia's core conseince but then Tarantulas fires a missle which causes the base power to be disrupted. This allowed the shell program's safe gaurds to travel up to Blackarachnia's core consience.

Rhinox tried to get back into Blackarachnia's chest but to no avail. It was too late and one of Tarantulas's safe gaurds reaches Blackarachnia's core consience. Rhinox goes outside to deliver the grim news to the others. The only two words out of Silverbolt's mouth are "Blackarachnia" and "Tarantulas".

The Maximals gather around Blackarachnia's empty shell. They realize that they should have trusted her more because Silverbolt loved her. Rattrap asks where Silverbolt is? Optimus wonders if he went after Tarantulas and they go after him.

Silverbolt is busy tracking down Tarantulas and he finds him in motorcycle mode. He blames Tarantlas for killing Blackarachnia and he transforms and throws two of his bombs at Tarantulas sending him sailing into a rock.

Meanwhile the transmetal driver hums to life and finishes the job that Rhinox started. Suddenly there's a vortex and we see Silverbolt about ready to impail Tarantulas on one of his feathers. The only word that comes out of Silverbolt's mouth is "Blackarachnia!"

Rampage comes up behind Silverbolt and decides to take advantage of his vulernability. Rampage shoots at Silverbolt. He uses Tarantulas as a shield but not before getting himself knocked out. Silverbolt tries to reclaim his club but not before Rampage steps on his hand and says: "this will be hardly any fun at all."

Blackarachnia arrives on the scene in her new beast mode and begins to challenge Rampage. Rampage takes a few pop shots at Blackarachnia. She lands several kicks before she transforms and grabs Rampage by his neck and swings him around and around sending him sailing into a rock.

Blackarachnia walks up to an astonished Silverbolt: "Blackarachnia?" She smiles and says: "you're not going to leave me now are you Bowser? Not when I've had my nails done."

Blackarachnia explains to the other Maximals that she saw a bright light, then a vortex and then she saw that Silverbolt was in trouble. Optimus berates her, telling her that rushing out to save Silverbolt wasn't a very "Maximal" approach to doing things.

Blackarachnia lets on that she may be a Maximal on the outside but her heart is still that of a Predacon. Silverbolt explains that when he thought that she was gone he was heartbroken.

Blackarachnia explains that her future with the Maximals is still in doubt whenever Silverbolt tries to rescue her. She insists that Silverbolt knock off the hero stuff. Silverbolt insists that he'll always be there for her. She uses Telekenesis to smack Silverbolt's face telling the others that they'd better get used to her transmetal 2 form.