Transformers History.

The Cybertronian Wars have been long since forgotten but the memories of the secret Autobot/Decepticon war heroes still live on prehistoric earth. The outcome of the wars on prehistoric earth would have been a lot different if Megatron's plan to destroy Optimus Prime had succeeded.

What Would Become Of The Maximals If Megatron's Plan Had Succeeded?

Since the Maximal's ancestory goes back to the days of Autobots, everything is connected. If Optimus Prime died before he could awaken and start The Great War then his followers would have never waken up to defend themselves against the Decepticons and if the Autobots fail to win the Great War then the Maximals and all of their stolen protoforms would have ceased to exist.

It's kind of like going back in time and killing your grandfather. How could you exist if your father had never been born? How could the Maximals have existed if Optimus Prime had never been awakened from his peaceful bliss?

A Deadly Encounter

The Autobots lay dormant for millions of years. The golden disk was one of the Maximal's most closely gaurded secrets. For generations Megatron had been secretly planing a war with the Autobots. It was a war that Megatron had every intention of winning. Like his predacessor Megatron lost and encrypted a message on the golden disk. It was a message that the other Megatron had decrypted.

G1 Megatron's Message

This is Megatron and if anyone is reading this it means that I've failed.....for now. But I know that Transwarp technology is being developed and so I leave this message for any Decepticon ancestors that may find this.

The current Megatron had figured out that the only way to stop the Autobots from winning the Great War is to keep Optimus Prime from awakening and thus it would prevent his minions from awaking and thus it would stop the war