Transformers: The Movie

Transformers The Movie, oh what memories of my childhood have posessed me to dedicate an entire page of a web site to Transformers: The Movie? I don't know. I suppose it could just be some movie nostalgia from 1986?

This is the cover of the Transformers: The Movie. It's the version in which Spike says: "Oh SHIT what do we do now?" It's rated PG for violence and corse language.

Where do I begin? I was 9.5 years old when the Transformers movie came out at the Cumberland Theater in Toronto. It's something that I'll remember for the rest of my life. I was the only girl in the whole theater. I remember the scene where Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, died and then Ultramagnus was disassembled and left on the planet of Junk and was reassembled by the Junkions.

Inconsistencies and Flubs

There are quite a few errors and flubs. There are a few that I can tell you about:

  1. The first mistake that I noticed was in the battle scene between the Autobots and Decepticons in Autobot City. Sunstreaker, a yellow car, was working with Kup on the road leading into Autobot City. After Blaster radioed Optimus Prime on Moon-Base 1 for reinforcements who do we see on the shuttle with Optimus Prime and the Dinobots? Sunstreaker and how exactly did Hoist get on the shuttle?
  2. The second mistake that I noticed, but wasn't all that clear to me because I don't remember that particular word being used in the movie, Spike and Bumblebee were on Moon Base 2 and a line came up in which Spike says "Oh shit what do we do now?"
  3. The thrid mistake that I noticed was in the ending credits. Peter Cullen's name came before Scattman Cowther's name. I thought that O came before U? This movie proved me wrong.
  4. In the scene where Unicron is introducing Cyclonous and his armada. Ops! Where the hell is Cyclonous's armada?
  5. Unicron's head in the scene leading up to his attack on Cybertron had a V shaped thing in the middle of his forehead while in the next scene the V shape was gone.

I found out through the grapevine that Grimlock, the leader of the Dinobots said: "me Grimlock kick ass!"

Another misconception about Transformers: The movie is that Lennord Neemoy, of Star-Trek fame, finished the last line that was supposed to belong to Orson Welles. Welles died in 1986 but Susan Blu, who was at Bot-Con 98 in Anahiem, CA, denied these rumours saying that Orson Welles finished the line himself.

Here's a listing of the characters and old favourites

Listen to The Touch by Stan Bush from The Transformers: The Movie Sound Track.