RoJohn's Proposal to Marlena


The scene opens with Marlena turning off the lights from her hospital bed. Just as she gets comfortable RoJohn enters the room dressed in a tux. He's carrying 2 candles, a bucket with a bottle of champagne in it, and 2 champagne glasses. Their haunting instrumental song is playing in the background.

RoJohn's opening the wrapper on the champagne bottle.

Marlena: What do you think you're doing?
RoJohn: What am I doing? Now what does it look like I'm doing?
Marlena: I don't have a clue.
RoJohn: I am setting a scene or creating a mood if you will.
Marlena: It seems like quite a seduction to me.

Marlena covers her ears as RoJohn tries to open the cork on the bottle. The cork pops and champagne comes flowing out. RoJohn tries to stop it by taking a sip.

RoJohn: MMMM.
Marlena: I think I just heard a champagne cork.
RoJohn: Nothing's wrong with you Doc.
Marlena: You can't bring champagne into a hospital!
RoJohn: Well I only break the rules when it's absolutely necessary and believe me this is absolutely necessary because you and I are celebrating.

RoJohn hands Marlena a glass filled with champagne and sits down by her
bed. They clink glasses. Marlena takes a sip of her champagne.

Marlena: Hmmm. And what are we celebrating?
RoJohn: This!

RoJohn reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box. He opens the box to reveal Marlena's engagement ring.

Marlena: Oh my ring! I've been wanting to have it on again.

Marlena reaches for the ring but RoJohn pulls it away.

RoJohn: not so fast Doc. First you have to answer one question.
Marlena: All right.
RoJohn: You know, you think this would be easy the second time around. I love you. You know that.
Marlena: I love you too.
RoJohn: Good...Then...Marry me. Again!
Marlena: Oh honey! OH!
RoJohn: I want an old fashioned wedding. I want a church wedding. I want bells and rice and flowers and the twinners dressed up behind carrying your train. Will you do it? Will you marry me again?

Marlena can hardly speak.

Marlena: Yeah! I'll marry you.
RoJohn: Yes. I was hoping you'd say that.

RoJohn gets up from his chair and kisses Marlena.

Marlena: You just name the time, the place, the details, and I will be there.
RoJohn: A week from Friday.
Marlena: All righty Captain Brady. You've got yourself a date.

RoJohn takes the ring and places it on Marlena's finger.

RoJohn: A week from Friday it is! And it'll be Mr. and Mrs. Brady all over again and forever.

RoJohn kisses her hand and then he kisses her on the mouth as the scene
fades out.

1986-Corday Productions Inc.-Columbia Pictures Television

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