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Earn Fame or Money on the Toilet Tube

Regular readers of The Toilet Tube have noticed many improvements to the web page since its inception in October of 1998. The page started in print and then moved to e-mail only to be revived on the world wide web. Even on the web, the page has undergone four major transformations. IN an attempt to make these most recent transformations final, I NEED YOUR HELP

The Toilet Tube is searching for:

1. Writers: If you have a particular yearning for a television show and want to share your opinion with the world, let me know...I want to post your opinion. You will be required to write a summary every week. However, the summary can be whatever YOU WANT IT TO BE. That is, you can be funny, satirical, or serious. You can write mini plays about the shows or describe what you wish would happen on the shows. You can choose from any of the television shows that are already on this website or pick your own favorite. To apply for this position all you have to do is send me a "typical" summary. Pick an episode and write about that episode. The show can be a repeat or a favorite from a previous season. Mail the description to me at If you have any questions about this, you can also e-mail me. By the way, there are no age requirements or anything else to be a writer...all you need is a vivid imagination and dedication.

2. Or if you are interested in earning some money, you can apply to be a graphics designer. I am looking for people who are capable of creating original graphics for web pages. I need people to create simple and complicated graphics. If you are interested in making some cash, e-mail me for details at