News about

Millennium Bug

Y2K spill-over
Expectation ran high for the viewer ship of Millennium Bug in view of the partnership of the 3 top artistes in the show. Although the first few episodes attracted more than 600.000 viewers, the  local media considered it low. Headlines  calling on Zoe Tay to resign because she can no longer maintain viewer ship  were splashed across the daily tabloids for days. (Media expected the viewership to be at least 700,000)

What were not highlighted were other factors leading to lower than expected  viewer ship such as the high-tech storyline driving away  IT illiterate audience and the Christmas and Millennium celebrations drawing the early evening audience away.

The show's viewership still ranked within the top 20 shows (including variety shows) of the year with its last episode attracting more viewers than the 9 pm Fang Shi Yu 's last episode. Millennium Bug was also shown in many parts of China.

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Knotty Liaison
Hanwei made special appearance in the story Sofa as Vivian Lai's hen-pecked husband. The debut episode's viewership hit an all time low. Big headlines blaming Vivian's stiff acting appeared on the tabloid. The other reason given by the media include the Hello Kitty craze that drew thousands of potential audience to queue at McDonald outlets instead of watching TV . Viewership however rose sharply in subsequent episodes. Hanwei urged audience to give Vivian a chance when interviewed.(See above article Hanwei fulfils his wish in Shanghai).

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Added on 29/7/00