A Boring Christmas

Source: RTV Times (early 90s)







      When Hanwei was asked about his most unforgettable Christmas, he immediately said," You know lah, previously I was studying, too young to ever celebrate Christmas. After I graduated and joined SBC, I got to know Zoe and some of the others. That year's Christmas, myself, Zoe, Yiliang and Yisheng arranged to meet to celebrate together. However, I only saw Zoe. Yiliang and Yisheng never appeared. So me and Zoe had nothing to do but jostled  with the big crowds in Orchard Road. Our whole Christmas eve was thus wasted totally."

    Furthermore, Hanwei grumbled, "It was the first time in my life that I am celebrating Christmas. The  thought of myself and Zoe, formally dressed up, squeezing our way up and down the human wave in Orchard Road was absolutely boring. Worse still, that year I even received a Christmas gift that looked exactly like the one that I sent out. The feeling is like buying a gift for myself. Really bored to the extreme!"


Article contributed by Teng Xi

Added on 15/12/00

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