
"Oh Kathleen, don't be such a prude!!"  That was her big saying.  Melanie was one of the top female characters in the Degrassi legacy.  She did lots of cool stuff.  Like when she bought drugs from Joey but they were really vitamin pills!!  Then she went skating with Yick and then broke their next date to go out with Snake.  She headed a campaign to impeach Stephanie Kaye.  She got her braces off, spent $20 at the milkshake place and then stole $20 from her mom to go to the Gourmet Scum concert.  She was picked on when she got to high school and was interested in dating Luke for a while, but that pretty much went nowhere.  And then she smoked up with Kathleen, Caitlin, Miya and some other chick named Diana, who thought she was cool.