Welcome to our For the Cause Page!

We are a very active group of women and we all have causes that

are special to our hearts, here you will see what Causes we support,

what fundraisers we are helping with and what we are doing to help

our favorite cause along. If you have a cause near and dear to you then

please send the info to Mini to have it added to this page.

Did you know that Breast Cancer effects 1 out of every 8 women and that

1 woman is diagnosed with Breast Cancer every 3 minutes.

Check out the Breast Cancer links here and lend a helping hand or

educate your self on this deadly disease.

Learn when and how to do examine your own breast.

Early detection is the key to saving a life.

PCOS is a hormone disorder which affects an estimated 10%

of all women, and it is the most common cause of irregular periods

and infertility. It will not resolve itself with birth control pills, childbirth,

or menopause, but it is manageable with medications, diet, and exercise.

Adequate treatment can help prevent serious long-term risk factors such

as diabetes, heart attack, and endometriosis.

Visit the website to learn more information.

Domestic Violence

Child Abuse

Loss of a child


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