The Cajun Connection's
Prayer Request and Message Board

Dear Lord, please bless all your children who are asking for prayers on this message board
along with others across the internet.

Let us pray.

Dear Lord our God. We beseech you.
Please bless us and heal us.
Hold us in the palm of your hand and show us mercy.
Let us lay our weary heads upon your shoulders.
Cuddle us like a father would a small child.
For we are your children Lord.
And you our Father.

You said, " Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find."

Here we are Lord,
We seek you and 
We ask that you heal us.
Not in the way that we think best,
But in the way that you know is best for us.

We are yours, Dear Lord.
Mend us, for we are broken.
Warm us, for we are cold.
Feed us for we are hungry.
Cloth us, for we are naked.
Mark us with the sign of your redemption, for we are sinners.

Like small children we come to you,
Knowing that you will take care of our needs.
We praise your holy name, Dear Lord.

We know that before we have ended this prayer, you have begun your work inside of us.
We feel your love O God, it mends us, it warms us, it satisfies us and it covers us completely.
We know we have your love and that with your love, we will survive these earthly struggles.
For these crosses we bear are nothing compared to the cross your Son bore for us.
We bow our heads Lord, in reverence of your awesome power and majesty.

We asked Lord, and we have received.
Praise you Dear Lord our God, Praise your holy name!


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