Do you have a week of vacation?  Then why not immerse yourself into the history of California by visiting all twenty-one missions from Sonoma to San Diego!  How do you plan such a trip in only one week?  Well, the itinerary below may assist you in your plans.

Start out from wherever you are traveling from and plan to arrive in Sonoma by 10am.

Day One: Friday

Day Two: Saturday

Day 3: Sunday Day 4: Monday Day 5: Tuesday Day 6: Wednesday Day 7: Thursday - Last day of the Mission adventure From the beautiful coastlines to the fertile valley, you have travelled over 800 miles to see the twenty-one missions that have figured prominently into the history of California.  You witnessed the variety of missions with their unique features and traditions.  (You have also experienced all four branches of the military (Ft. Hunter Liggett - Army, Monterey Presidio - Navy, Vandenberg -Air Force, Pendleton - Marines)

If you do go on a pilgrimage of this nature, please email me at and let me know the details of your vacation.  I would love to add a section to this website called "Mission Travel Diaries".