Various Other Pictures

This page is just goin gto be a page of pictures that really dont fit anywhere else. We'll see how it with out further ado....

Here we have Dad hunting for moles in the rain, and Justin paddling down the Rifle River.

Heres my first vehicle (minus the new wheels, which were added by my cousin), and my current gas-hog of a vehicle.

My brothers vehicle, and my cousin and his friend stuck on some rocks in the Rifle River.

I'm still trying to figure out what these girls thought was so scarey. Then some Barnes Babes having a little fun.

Jeff and I with my stupid grin, we're probably thinking of ways to terrorize Tubaboy.....who knows.

Looks like Tubaboy had one too many.

There aren't any special effects added to this is a picture of deer, taken through a digital camera that sat in the car over night in 20 degree weather(AKA a frozen digital camera). The deer are hard to see, but they are in the dead center of the picture.

Here are some pictures from the wild-kingdom....errrr....I mean my back yard

More pictures of Turkeys.

"Wanna be like the man in the suitcase.....everyday is another new place."