About Me

Well this is me. Im 20 years old and attend Central Michigan University. Most of the visitors to this page will know most of this information already, but i feel obligated to take up space so im going to write it anyways. I am 5'11" and a 155 lbs. I like to consider myself an easy going guy, who can get along with almost anyone. I am a fairly qiuet guy who has a tendency to be very blunt, but hey at least im honest. I have a big problem with liars. Im not afraid to stand up for what i believe in. Im not going to kiss someones feet, or go against my beliefs just cuz its the "cool" thing to do. I much rather be my own person then try to live up to others peoples version of "cool". I also admire that in other people who do that too. I get annoyed by people who cant think for themselves. Im more of a leader then a follower. I am very willing to stand up for my family and friends, i will always be there for them whenever i am needed. Im not your "typical" college guy. Im not into the drinking, smoking, drugs....etc thing. Parties are ok but overrated. Id much rather spend my time talking to someone who isnt wasted,and then be able to remember it the next day. I am always thinking, weither it is out loud or to myself. Im not afraid to ponder "what if." Its a very good way to pass the time on a lake or in the woods or driving or sitting through a boring lecture. I am fairly confident of my ablities, but im also a realist who isnt going to kiss my own butt. I am very emotional on the inside, but rarely are my emotions expressed on the outside. Ive paid the consequences of that more then a few times. Im not afraid to bust my butt to achive things, although if i had a choice id opt not to. Ive been told im am too critical sometimes, maybe so, but i wouldnt be so critical if everyone was as perfect as me(poor attempt at a joke). Im doing this page as a release from the stresses in my life, not cuz its a cool thing to do. You may eventually see more of my rantings, maybe not. If you read all of this page, i truely thank you. Many of you know most of this about me anyways, but it means alot to me that someone would be interested enough to read my ramblings.

"Open up your mind and go your own way"-Sepultura