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A Short History.
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TigersEye's No Doubt Page was created June 2000.
Why did I make it? Because I love No Doubt.

My first award (and only, heh) was won shortly afterward.

From No Doubt Sparkles
(now No Doubt Crazy)

A few months later (I can't say the date, because I can't quite remember), it was listed on No Doubt's official website.

Later, it underwent an incredible change from a website that was all purple and the theme had nothing to do with No Doubt (it had dragons on it, guys), to a black-background 'Rock Steady' themed layout.

Then came the bout of non-updatingness. 'The Dark Ages', as I like to call it. I updated maybe once about every six months, or possibly less.

Revolution! January of 2004, I'd recently been studying HTML for my Neopets websites, and I had also found out that you did NOT have to use PageBuilder to create a GeoCities webpage; HTML could be put directly onto the page, and therefore, I would not have to wait for PageBuilder to load anymore. I declared that I would update my webpage, never use PageBuilder again, and that my website would be entirely made out of my own HTML (or at least, the layout ^_^ I still don't know how to make forms by myself).

Miscellaneous Information

There are 3 hidden pages in the website; one of them was briefly (a day or so; February of 2004) shown on my About Me page, and is also posted in my DeadJournal. I'll not give any more information ~_^ I like secrets. One, possibly the most interesting one, is pretty easy to find out.