Adrian Quotes GwenQuotes Tom Quotes Tony Quotes

Adrian Quotes

"Some people are gonna love it, and some people are gonna hate it, but the one thing that I'm really proud of is that it definetely stands out. Whether [it's bad] or it's good, it's definetely No Doubt." - On fan's response to Return of Saturn (from Rock Rules! The Ultimate Rock Band Book by Michele Rosenthal)

"We're pretty well-adjusted rock stars." (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

"You've got to stay relaxed. Stay relaxed or everything goes to Hell." (from DRUM!, volume 11, issue #1, February/March 2002)

"I used to be a hard-core partyer. But Mason needs me. I am more cautious about everything now." (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

Gwen Quotes

"I've learned that the more you are yourself and the more unique you are-to the extent that no one else is anything like you-the more powerful you are." (from Rock Rules! The Ultimate Rock Band Book by Michele Rosenthal)

"The day before we went over there, I was in the park with Gavin, and I had been keeping a journal. And we were so in love, and I wrote that line, 'You're really lovely underneath it all.' You know, like 'After all the shit we've been through, you're a really good person. I think I might like you.'" (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"I'm really self-centered. I really am. I'm also pretty lazy. I love to sit around and watch TV, and eat ice cream, not work out and be a slob." (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"Well, you are anal." - to Tony Kanal (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"Having a song [Don't Speak] that's just going to be there when you're dead is just, I'm sorry, but it's just pretty cool." (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"Don't shave, don't shower, don't care. Be really stinky and wear the same clothes every day. I think what makes a man sexy is not being self-aware. That's what's really cute to me." (from Blender, issue 2)

"One time, a guy said he worked for Hugh Hefner and gave me a card. I thought it was funny." (from Blender, issue 2)

Tom Quotes

"There's one song on [Return of Saturn] that really stands out to me as different-and the most No Doubt song-and that's 'Bathwater'. It started out spontaneously with Tony playing this really simple bass line with a groove to it. Gwen started singing words to it and forty minutes we had a song, a really fun song." (from Rock Rules! The Ultimate Rock Band Book by Michele Rosenthal)

"It's probably easier to have sex to this record than the last." - On Return of Saturn

"I'm a pretty normal guy: surfing, girlfriend, eating." (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

"I know a good thing when I see it." - on his girlfriend, Mieke (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

"Don't you have any Snow White rides?" - after riding a rollercoaster (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

Tony Quotes

"Maybe we fit in between extremes. We didn't fit [when we released the last album] either and it turned out to be a good thing. We can fill a void." (from Rock Rules! The Ultimate Rock Band Book by Michele Rosenthal)

"You just make the best record you can and hope it finds its place." (from Rock Rules! The Ultimate Rock Band Book by Michele Rosenthal)

"I didn't want to embrace the whole rock star thing. [Even now] we've never gotten excessive or stupid." (from TeenPeople, August 2002)

"I was drunk at the Foo Fighters show last night, but I like to expel it before I wake up in the morning." (from RollingStone)

"It's, like, full of Ewoks; you know, just happy." - on Rock Steady (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"I can tell when my brother's been borrowing my CDs." (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)

"We judge everything we do by the Clash and U2." (from RollingStone, issue 888, January 31, 2002)


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