Woll HW Check #7 – Federalist #10, 53, 56, 58, 62, & 63 – Dodd: Congress and the Quest for Power – Print out, complete and bring to class on the assigned due date.



1. Under the original constitutional plan it was absolutely clear that Congress was to:

a) be subordinate to the president.

b) be subject to judicial review by the courts.

c) exercise primary legislative functions.

d) be able to delegate legislative authority to the other branches of the government.


2. A major difference between the House and the Senate in the Constitution is:

a) the popular election of members of the House.

b) House control over the power of the purse.

c) Senate control over impeachment.

d) House domination over foreign affairs.


3. According to Madison in Federalist 62, equality of representation for the states in the Senate was:

a) an important check upon improper legislative acts.

b) a check upon majority rule.

c) the result of compromise between the large and small states.

d) all of the above


4. Madison argued in Federalist 63 that the Senate is an important complement

to the House because:

a) the Senate will be composed of wiser men.

b) the Senate will not be swayed by passion.

c) Senators must be older than members of the House.

d) the short term of the House reduces its capacity to give continuity to legislation.


5. The personal power incentive tends to produce a Congress that is:

a) highly centralized.

b) decentralized.

c) collectively responsible.

d) accountable to the will of the majority.


6. A junior member of Congress in the first stage of his or her congressional career is:

a) primarily interested in developing good legislation.

b) concerned mostly with reelection.

c) equally concerned with gaining personal power within Congress and reelection.

d) uninterested in the committee hierarchy on Capitol Hill.


7. The quest for personal power in Congress:

a) buttresses the power of congressional party leaders.

b) strengthens congressional parties.

c) supports a diversified and powerful committee system.

d) all of the above


8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) As with politicians generally, members of Congress enter politics in a quest for personal power.

b) Reelection, especially by large margins, can boost the internal power of members of Congress.

c) On Capitol Hill, personal power incentives always take precedence over the desire to strengthen Congress

    as an institution.

d) Personal power in Congress is often achieved through committee chairmanships.


9. A dominant, imperial presidency which ignores Congress:

a) intensifies the quest for personal power in Congress.

b) decreases the power of already weak congressional parties.

c) causes members of Congress to temporarily subordinate their quest for personal power to strengthen

    Congress as an institution.

d) undermines congressional reform.


10. In Federalist 10, James Madison suggests that the most enduring cause of faction is:

a) differing political opinion.

b) unequal distribution of property.

c) the separation of powers.

d) the large geographical area of the country.


11. James Madison argues, in Federalist 10, that faction:

a) should be stamped out.

b) helps to advance the national interest.

c) is always opposed to the national interest.

d) provides an important underpinning for democratic government.


12. In Federalist 10, Madison suggests that faction may be controlled by:

a) a republican form of government.

b) a powerful Supreme Court.

c) a strong presidency.

d) a national legislature.


13. Federalist 10 suggests that the framers of the Constitution were:

a) in favor of strong political parties.

b) suspicious of parties.

c) in support of parties as a necessary condition of democratic


d) oblivious to parties.