Please Read My Words...

I am no one special, just an average person. Married with children. Never thought of attempting suicide no matter how bad things got for me. And Ill tell you ohhhhhhh did they ever.

So why am I here writing you wonder? Well I'll tell you. February of this year, 2001, my niece attempted suicide. And thankfully she did not succeed. The young age of 18, for some reason unknown to me she thought it was best to end her life. On that same night, a very very dear friend of mine, also the age of 18 had a fall at work and did not survive. My heart sank lower than it ever had my entire life. The pain that I felt, the loss, the despair. Here a young man lost his vibrant life due to a fall, and at the same time a young lady was trying to take her life on purpose.

Going to that funeral was the worse thing I ever had to do in my life, and I so much wanted my niece there. But she was still in the hospital. But if she saw what went on that night. The tears, the pain, the anguish, the heart ache. So many people walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do for the other. All needing to be held up in some way or another.

I don't know why I'm here telling you all of this. I guess in some small way if just one person reads this, one person who feels they are at the end and need to end their life....if that ONE PERSON stops and thinks..... Think of the ones you are leaving behind, think of the ones that love you, think of your family and your friends. Its so hard to deal with a loss of someone that is unpreventable. Can you imagine how it would be dealing with the loss of someone that took their own life. I know people get to the point where they just want to give up, throw in the towel. I'm asking you, no I'm begging you stop......and REACH OUT to someone, let someone offer you that hand. Be it a stranger, a family member anyone just do it, don't give up on yourself for YOU are special and YOU deserve to live. Please if for no one other then yourself REACH OUT!!!

A Raok TLC Member


Think about it. Give it some thought. If you leave this world, what will you leave behind?

The sun; the bright yellow sun. The grass; the deep green grass. The sky, the pure blue sky. The gentle birdsong, the happy shriek of children playing. Do you really want to leave it all?

Do you wish to leave because of people? Don't let them grind you down. They are pathetic. If they have nothing else to do but torment people and ruin their lives it is them who need help, not you. You are better than they are. You are not a loser. You are a potential winner! But if you leave, you have lost. Big time.

Do you wish to leave because of illness? It can be cured, we are very advanced in medication, but if there is no cure - and your time upon Earth is limited - why limit it more? It will not end suffering, it will start it. Your friends; you DO have them. If you leave them, they will blame themselves. Talk to them, you'll find they have a lot to say. Your family; they love you, they hold you very dear. If you leave them, they will blame themselves. By leaving them you are being selfish. You are ending your life, and ruining others. If you feel bad, TALK to somebody. You can get help, you are not alone. There are millions of people like you. Do not despair. Give it some thought. Please.

Read This First

Suicide Helpline

When No One Knows Your Pain

Suicide Hotlines

Listing of Hotlines by State

Youth Suicide Problems
Yellow Ribbon - For the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Suicide in Youth
Myths About Suicide
Teen Suicide
Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Youth Depression & Suicide
When A Child Talks Of Suicide
Suicide: The Death No One Talks About

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