You've made your way to my bored are you?

Nakiewimsey-you know who this is - 12/14/00 21:33:41
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): um, no
Being that I'm a retard (yes I admit it from time to time) I disconnected everything in my room except my computer. And being that I'm also horribly lazy I won't connect the tv again until after break. I thought "hey, I'll go to Tom's web-thang" hence this comment. Darling its fabulous! Bon Noel(if I remember correctly) Whatever see ya after break!

Leslie aka "porn star" - 12/12/00 17:02:18
My Email:Little old Auburn
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 55555555555555555555555
Tom, Hey you sexy thag! Your so funny I love coming to your web site because it always gives me something to do at work! It's been fun talking to you too. Just think if I didn't talk to you at night I might actually go to bed early. Ha who would of thoug t huh? Talk to you later bye bye ~*~Leslie~*~

mil - 11/21/00 19:11:39
My Email:Riverhell
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): i laugh in the face of savings accounts, and what social security number?? i thought we didnt get those til we were like old? IM SO CONFUSED!
tim timiny tim timiny tim tim teree, oh how i love thee, timothy =)~

jizz master zero - 10/30/00 17:36:33
My Email:whore
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): dumass
yer a dumass

SkinnyJ - 10/30/00 04:39:38
My Email:Chatham, The only one that isnt going to school as of yet
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 333-33-333
Well done!!! I havent seen a good homepage in like hmm well lets see 8 years... As a friend of Tom's I would like to pretty much point out that every thing here is said to be true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.. I two have b en somewhat involved in the lets say taking part of the drinking ordeal. But got into more trouble than everyone has in their lives.

katrina the greatest - 10/18/00 21:43:39
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): they wouldnt do you any good any how
hey! very cute - keep up the good work, nerd-ball!!!! :) - CEO - 10/16/00 04:38:51
My Email:WIU
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 555-555-55555
Sweet site.... This guy knows what he is talking about.... Welcome aboard the new member! - CEO - 10/16/00 04:38:09
My Email:WIU
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 555-555-55555
Sweet site.... This guy know what he is talking about.... Welcome aboard the new member!

Taz - 10/08/00 22:23:02
My Email:Chicago
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 666-66-6666
I just wanted to thank poo for allways being there when I need it.

All you girrlz out there send me an e-mail cuz I would like to meet you if you is hot.

papa kaiser - 08/07/00 17:30:11
My Email:ill-noise
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): iluv69
I still have no idea who the f*c* you are, but this is just to get my name out there. to all you glenwood folks, stay down, literally. damn republicans... the laughing face calls for you (Skinny J) - 07/04/00 16:53:59
My Email:Chatham IL.
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 248-9685
Well Tom you probably figured out who this was when you saw Skinny J pop up. Pretty funny page if you ask me.

Annie J. Tick - 06/14/00 01:11:19
My Email:smack dab in lincolnland
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 867-5309
what's going on my peeps? love the page duuuuude, because of your page, i am now a better person. for the next 30 seconds. anyway, keep it real, peeezouut, love, hugs and kisses___anne

Kelsey - 06/09/00 06:24:29
See that blank message? Yeah that was me, sorry I'm retarded. Go Skins!

- 06/09/00 06:21:40

my name is michele bearss - 06/05/00 20:20:03
My URL:http://donthave
My Email:the shitty town of chatham...kinda
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): nice try tom....but i dont know my SS any ways! haha
tom your weird!! haha! nice site...but i dont know how many times im going to visit! and i think that ive already written in this thing...ohh well! tooo~da~looo

Sarah Louise - 06/01/00 07:02:35
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): yeah, ok
Tight page, i like it a lot. There is way more cool stuff than in mine. Damn, i have to work on that. Kelsey filled me in on this page, and i'm glad she did. Peeaazzouuuw.

Jerome - 04/27/00 05:04:21
My Email:ser?
did kos just post about yoko ono? did that just happen? how noble! yoko ono is almost as 1337 as tom-tom.

yoko ono - 04/27/00 02:11:13
Yoko Did It now has a column, here, on this site, enjoy it play hatas

Pirate Kos - 04/27/00 01:32:42
My Email:Truman State
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): blow me
Well, after having read Yoko Did It's rendition of stupidity, I feel compelled to respond. Now, I know the said person is only in it for attention, but they are truly a moron. I know it is low-brow to bash someone for what they say or think, but hey, th s is me we are talking about. All who know me know that no level is too low for me to stoop to. Anywho, this person must have more time on their hands than a 35-year old virgin who has no job, no life, and lives with his parents. Sad, sad stuff. I mea , I would love to randomly find someone's webpage and start harassing them. And then, after the harrassement is over, I'll gloat about how I won...what I won is not important, but the simple fact that I won is reason enough for me to be pleased with myse f. Hey Yoko Did It, Fuck Off. And you can fucking quote me.-Kos

nicole - 04/26/00 14:57:25
tom, your site is awesome so don't listen to that psycho that is trashing it. we all still love you and if the coward ever decides to show his ugly face, I'll take him out for you ok?

Mecca of the corn fields - 04/24/00 19:30:43
Macie get a life. Oh ya and Big Todd Merchant is funnier than any of you will ever be, yes even you Tom, although the teeth are a nice touch.

MIL - 04/24/00 18:05:47
My Email:THE YEARBOOK OFFICE AT RIVERTON HIGH SCHOOL, let me emphasize the HIGH part....
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): hm well just look at one of the hundreds of applications i have handed in during the past few weeks, or just ask my manager....either doug, carol, colleen, or the one guy in the back who grabs my ass a l the time
Hey what up homie? not much here....i am in the yearbook office...ok so i wish you would write a rant about people in the back of perkins grabbing me....I MEAN REALLY! i think it deserves a rant....well im leaving...your page is totally the t e new rants dahling.... love ya mary lynn

trish the dish - 04/23/00 05:26:29
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 1-800-suc-dick
right. What happened to happy Tom? oh no. I believe in the intrinsic goodness of all man kind. honestly I didn't read that much but I think you can be way more creative than that.

Kelsey - 04/22/00 17:53:41
If this Puke on Pavement hater wants to come forward and not hide behind a gay, and I truly mean gay screen name, the time has come. Though I have nothing to do with the production of this page, I'm entirely irriated with this guy, assuming it's a guy. Fi st of all, yokoblahblahblah, shut up. You say way too much and the fact of the matter is, idiots like you shouldn't attempt contact with the outside world. Why don't you stay at your yokodidit altar and leave good people like Tomass1880 alone. Oh, and if ou're not talking right now, keep doing that. It goes well with your complexion.

antwan - 04/14/00 05:40:15
I musr say that Tom is one funny guy...after being a member of the "ace click" and having many hysterical conversations with Tom and Todd as we move thousands of bags of fertilizers...I find his website to be a refreshment of what I miss so very much....o yeah, remember Tom it was the condom(ha ha ha)

Ajay25 - 04/14/00 05:26:14
My Email:Ace hardware
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 70693

Heather - 04/11/00 04:05:28
Hey, sorry to say this Tom but I am a strong Christian and I'm not going to say this is a bad site, I'm just going to say "it's not my bag baby" sorry, but it's true...please forgive me for saying that....bubye

nikki - 04/10/00 20:19:58
Hey Tom! This web page is sheer genius--do you have a lot of time on your hands or what? It's not like you have anything better to do(term paper). Anyways, your rants have provided me a way to help pass the time during second hour study hall. Thanx! I don't agree with all of them, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right? I have one more thing to say, though. Us "churchies" are not trying to convert you or any other atheists(many of which are my friends), we just want you to know both side . I know you won't listen to me, but remember me if you ever have any questions. Okay, I sound like a nerd, but so are you, so don't make fun of me! (I bet that is going to stop you!) Anyways, this is getting long. Be prepared for a rant contributed b your "churchie" friend. P.S. Good job on your first rant, Todd. a.k.a. Sexy Bitch

macie, AGAIN! - 04/10/00 20:01:33
My Email:I would tell you, but what if surgical mask guy is reading this?!
This is an addendum to my previous 'adendum' contributed at 15:10:51 o'clock. Apparently I spelled addendum wrong, so... yeah. That is all.

Bolt of Lightning - 04/10/00 17:03:19
He He He, this is cool

macie, again - 04/10/00 15:10:51
Yes, tis I once again. Just a little note of clarification.. an adendum to my last entry, if you will: The Todd whom I was referring to (the amusing one that I eyed suspiciously) was Todd H, or should I call you biggie? I just wanted to clear up the situa ion, as we all know that Merchant isn't funny, so I'm sure there was some confusion. (Just kidding Big T Merchant). =)

Macie - 04/10/00 15:05:01
My Email:your mom
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): Tom, you know I don't have a job.
I must say, I've never seen you devote yourself so fervently to one cause (except nerdity, but I wasn't supposed to talk about that,was I?) UM, what I meant to say there was 'I've never seen you devote yourself so fervently to one cause. That's all' Wait, what am I saying? The nerdity is implied within the website (and the notebook and pen you now carry), and the fact that I visit often speaks volumes of my nerdity.(That and I like to read). So anyway, no hard feelings, Tom. We're all nerds here. For all of you playing along at home, Tom has had this page up for about a week, and he's going at it like jack-rabbits! And Big T Merchant, that was an excellent rant, though a little offensive for my tastes, but if you didn't seek to offend, I would wor y that something was wrong.Also, Todd, you are very amusing.. a little TOO amusing (eyeing you suspiciously). So, in closing, I just wanted to belong too. Hee.

biggie - 04/10/00 05:15:35
My URL:look me up!!!
My Email:i don't like spam. well, actually i do. what could anyone possibly have against a salty proce sed canned meat flavored bread filler? nothing. period. what i was actually referring to was the type of email where it's a bunch of useless crap. that's sometimes referred to as "spam" in the inner circles of computer geekiness. (not that i would know, t m had to tell me about the lingo).
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): now, now, tom. you are a wily one. every time i write something in here you try this same trick, well i'll tell you what buddy. one time you might catch me off guard, but not tonite. i'm as sharp as a ell sharpened cutting utensil.
some of you may have noticed that i've signed the guestbook here on tom's homepage. several times in fact. you might ask yourself "why would biggie signe the guestbook several times?" go ahead, ask yourselves. ok now that your little rhetorical questionin is over i'll pretend that you actually directed the question to me, and so i'll answer it as such. the reason behind it all, is a deeply rooted need to belong. that's what it's all about really. nobody wants to feel left out. you know that you were alway dissappointed when you were the last one picked as a squared dancing partner in fourth grade, and you had to dance with smelly nellie, instead of the captain of the safety patrol, the one and only, beautiful betsy. that's right. so when i "sign the guest ook" i become part of a select few. the elite who aregiven the opportunity to be remembered on this great web page. that's right i said "great web page" rare is the case where one can be a part of someting of so high a calliber. and for that tom, i thank ou from the bottom of my heart. no one has given me a purpose in life like you have. i went from a "nobody" to... "the guy who repeatedly signs this guestbook" tom, you're literally my savior. to all those who do not belong i have but one thing to say, na naa na naa naaaa, plbbbbb

biggie - 04/10/00 04:45:17
My Email:are you a dumbass?
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): just let me have them, and you'll get hooked up with tom in next to no time at all
first and formost, i'd like to give thanks to god. to him be the glory. in addition, i'd like to thank my parents for all of the support that they've provided me thoughout these tough years of adolescence. they understood how rough puberty could be. also, tom had been an inspiration to me. he's helped to guide me though much of life's finer points. without him, there would be no mint-guy, no aspiring movie buff, no trip over your own front teeth jokes. how barren would the entertainment scene in chatham be too barren for my tastes to be perfectly honest. so now to the point with a little less ass kissing. i want to let you all know how extremely available tom is. that's right ladies (and the few flamers who frequent this page) no significant other for tom. he's ready and willing all that you have to do is give him a little ringy dingy. email me if you want his phone number, home address, ssn, bank acount statements, middle name, body specs (let me just say that he's cut like wheat toast), amount of lint in etween his toes. i've got it all, and for a limited time these and much more are available for only $9.99 for first time customers. give me an email with your credit card info and i'll be sure to hook you up. and tom, thanks again for the free advertising

biggie - 04/10/00 04:29:51
My URL:http://your-mom'
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): i am from cuba i hid inside a cocaine shipment and am an illegal alien, thus i have no ssn
no comment

Nate - 04/10/00 04:22:48
My Email:Chatham IL
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): Don't mess with me hobag!

Big T Merchant - 04/10/00 04:05:53
My Email:I forgot, i think it is gone
Who da man? You da man!

big t - 04/10/00 03:51:20
My Email:in front of my computer
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;): 420-69-4671
let me just say that i'm incredibly impressed with this awesome display of sheer computer geekiness. congrats tom, you're officially one of them.

Mary Lynn - 04/09/00 20:54:07
My Email:Riverton
Social Security and Savings Account Numbers;):
HEY TOM!!! you are the man, a great friend...this page is such a huge bundle of talent and wonder and i love it I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! YES! YES!

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