"I've been making comics as long as I could hold a crayon- I still have a Hong Kong Phooey comic I drew when I was about 5. I wrote literally hundreds of pages of comic stories featuring characters that would later appear in my comics in an evolved form.

I studied mechanical and architectural drawing in high school, and attended Joe Kubert's School in 1996. My work's appeared in Cross Press Comics Magazine in 1997 and most recently The Megazeen, which I co-publish and co-finance. I also act as the webmaster for megazeenonline.com, and recruit and disciple artists for the book and site.

I've also done some work for Community Comics and Quest Comics. My strips include Johnny Crouton & Hairball, How NOT to Make a Christian Comic (the action figure comic), and Colossians (I still use various characters from that series for different purposes)."

Contact Joey at:www.megazineonline.com