The M1834 was the last smooth bored infantry musket in flintlock to be produced at Kongsberg Våpenfabrik. The gun was really obsolete already when put into production. Kongsberg had already been experimenting with the wonderful world of percussion for some time and trial production  runs had been made of the two percussion rifles designed by Malmberg and Enger.

The M1834 carry a large degree of resemblance with its Swedish sisters. Both this model and the M1825 and M1829 are really only copies of Swedish muskets.

It is difficult to say what the gun on the picture really is. At a first glance, it would seem to be a M1834/41/60 Tappstusser, but that is definitely incorrect. The musket has been rebuilt to percussion according to the M1841. But the tappstusser is a shortened rifled pillar breech rifle with a new rear sight. This musket is shortened to the same length as the tappstusser, but is not rifled. The rear sight of the pillar breech rifle has never been there, but it has been equipped with the M1859 sword bayonet.

The tappstusser M1834/41/60 uses the middle band as nose band, so the missing original nose band is militarily correct. But why is not the gun rifled? Could it be a drill musket from such a recent date as this? I’ve only had the gun for some 25-30 years, so I haven’t had time to find out too much about it yet.

The Kongsberg produced infantry long-guns from before 1840 are extremely rare. The almost identical Swedish versions can be found by the dozens and you get them for next to nothing in percussion and for only a little in flintlock. The Kongsberg versions seem to have seized to excist. I can't remeber hearing of one being sold or swapped - well, I'm in luck - I now have the

I would be extremely interested in any full length M1825/M1829/M1834 (they look almost identical) in flintlock and in percussion and would be willing to dig really deep in my pocket or in my gun closet for a good one of one these.

If you have one, hear about one, or even better, know of somebody selling/swapping one – please don’t hesitate –
mail me asap!!!!
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The M1834/41/60 Smooth bored infantery musket