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About Me

Name: Abigail (Abby)

Age: 14

Birthday: Feb 2 1990

Grade: 9

Where: Ontario

Best Friend: Melanie, in B.C.

Music: A.F.I., Marilin Manson, The Distillers, Alexisonfire and more(top bands) "girls not grey", "Mobscene" and anything else Marilyn Manson.(top songs)

Bit More: I love my dog a bit to much. I have fish, but there boring. I've lived in 3 dif places. All in Canada. And I've left people behind in 2 of them If Anywhere I'd rather be in B.C. I just started high school! When i drink pop i get extremly hyper and can do some odd things! thats about it im always tired And i have nothing eles to say!