Here are links to a couple of my favorite sites.i hope you enjoy them as much as i do.
Here you can find some really cool music vidieos along with some other cool stuff.
the Anime crossroads
This is my sisters site its got DBZ,sailor moon, tenchi, and other animes on there.
animie web turnpike
In here you can find any animie you think of. this is the closest you will get to hentai on my page cause theres a heanti section and there are no pages better than this one.
fan fics
This is my fav fan fic site. the only things here are fics. i suggest you go to the epics section and read Dragon ball X and a stolen future. another good one is another sayia-jin. and im not shure if this is in the epics but look out for one called fire and ice its pretty good too.
cckla's page
this page is the first page that was sent to me in e-mail. its got anime  and its not all Trunks but enjoy it any way
Heero45s Gundam Wing Page
has every thing that you could think about to do with Gundam Wing.
Ryouko's music video page
anime music videos  made by the same siter who runs the anime crossroads
This is just a funny page with some wierd quizzes.
has almost every animemusic video in creation. including temple o trunks, and ryouko's videos