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America Goes Eco-Friendly

Political environmental arrogance is what is behind this charade.

Notice how the news media, whenever they are talking about oil prices going up and fuel at the pump costs, they ALWAYS add their cock-and-bull story about the global warming and environmental impact with oil.

If you haven’t noticed, listen closely.They ALWAYS connect the two.

Global Warming is a HOAX and FRAUD! Those that want to bring America to socialism found they couldn't do it fast enough to suit them through their normal socialist agendas, but they found they could do it through the phoney so-called Global Warming (man-made) HOAX.

They see this fraudulant inviornmental push as an opportunity to place greater restrictions on your freedoms and a weapon to push America into poverty.

You see, they couldn’t stop you from driving your "gas guzzling" SUV’s and big "gas guzzling" trucks any other way….although they have tried….but how many of you are trying to sell your high gas guzzlers and replacing them with better gas mileage, eco-friendly cars? How many of you are going to take a huge loss on resale, not to mention turning around and buying some eco-friendly hybrid straight off the assembly line? How many SUV’s and big trucks is Detroit going to take a loss on because they can’t sell them? Re-tooling and building smaller eco-friendly cars will cost you and I. How many folks will loose their jobs because of Detroits drop in sales and restructuring their companies to accomodate this fiasco?

Reporting on the evening news, night after night, these liberal news opinion makers continued their talking points that SUV’s and trucks were dangerous, along with the "gas guzzling" characterizations. They couldn’t get you out of your vehicles fast enough to suit the enviornmental thugs….so they used their normal liberal tactics by attacking the fuel price hikes, the oil companies to force the issue.

Have you listened to all the excuses being thrown around for months as to why our fuel prices and crude
oil prices have risen?  We have heard everything from Wall Streets’ indulgence in speculations, supply and demand….to the Iranian missile tests….etc. Every “bump in the road here and around the world” has been used as an excuse for the rise.

I bet there are millions of vehicles setting in driveways across America, or setting on the sales lots unable to be re-sold….because you can't afford to drive them anymore.

Follow the environmental crowd, the money and AL GORE!

I wonder how many of you remember that while Al Gore was VP, one of his pet “projects”, (using our tax dollars), was to do survey's on the burps of cattle on ranches. This was to see how much C02 these cows were exhaling.

They say cattle exhales more C02 than humans and their vehicles. I'm surprised that that survey didn't lead to the extermination of beef worldwide. I bet Gore thought about it though.

I have a solution to this finding. Kill more beef for here at home (a lot of our beef is shipped oversees); lower the cost of beef so more Americans can afford to eat it (besides hamburger) and Walla! Less C02. Save the people - save the cows!

Why do you suppose President Bush was having his meeting with world leaders? Because of the RISE IN OIL PRICES and ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS....GLOBALLY. Connect the dots!

On August 8, 2008, the Olympics start. Have you seen China? China has to be the worlds largest threat to this so-called "global warming" problem. I thought California had the most smog (I was raised in California). How many of you truely believe our government and other governments around the world are going to force China to change its habits? China will not be forced to change its aged industrial smoke-stacks. China will not even do this on its own because of its impact on global warming.

China will continue building its war machine at the high risk cost and damage to its people. And if you honestly believe that China really cares about the rest of the world and their enviornmental issues, you are drinking too much coolaid. They care about only one thing and that is becoming the most powerful military force on earth.

Have you bought your bicycle or scooter yet? You had better get on the ball before the prices go up! Maybe we should invest in some stock in the “alternative” mode of transportation, bicycles and scooters.

I guarantee that while a decline in crude oil prices continues, even if it bottoms out, there will not be one deduction in cost of our food prices, utility costs, medical costs (including prescription drugs) and anything and everything that has risen in cost due to the rise in crude oil prices. The cost of fuel at the pump may drop a few cents but they will never lower it to where it was a year ago.

Every time fuel costs have come down in the past (this won't be any different), costs for anything else have NEVER declined much more than a few cents.

Its like the housing crisis....government created it and their solution to their failed policies is to reward the banks and loan institutions with our tax dollars. The cost of housing will not decline. Most of us will not be able to afford any of these homes when the banks and loan institutions are satified with our tax dollars bailing them out.

We the middle-class, lower income, retired and below poverty American folks are making all the sacrifices.... not the “upper-class”, corporate America and our over-blotted government.

They want you and I out of our cars and trucks.

Just jack up the oil prices and fuel prices at the pumps and we will be forced to go eco-friendly by riding bicycles, scooters, and driving little toy cars (like Europe does) that will most definitely kill you.

They are FORCING us to go European folks.

The other night, Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., being interviewed by Bloomberg TV's "Money and Politics", said Democrats don't want to increase supplies of oil and gasoline because they want to wean Americans off of petroleum products.

Folks, they'll "wean" us right out of our cars and trucks and put us on bicycles and scooters if they get the chance.

 It’s working isn’t it! 

Do you hear the sound of "Global Governance"? Do you hear the sound of laughter coming from the liberals?

Of course, the oil companies are to blame!Just ask the socialist news networks and their cronies the liberal elitists in Washington D.C....they'll tell you!
And how many Americans are buying that accusation hook-line-and-sinker?

You see, oil companies make between 6 and 8 cents off every gallon of gas they sell. Government, on the other hand, takes several times more in taxation from the oil companies. And, rest asured, when they do wean you off this product, they will keep pumping oil and gasoline here at home to sell to other nations while continuing to jack up your taxes. Government will always recoup their share of lost revenues. It would be wise if you did your homework on who holds shares in these oil companies. You would be very shocked....because YOU do.


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