Why hello, friendly  shrine visitors! Welcome to Irrepressible, my lovely little (and I mean little) shrine to the ever talented good guy of Highschool Aura Buster, Mizusawa Ryo! Oh yes, all hail Ryo-kun XP Anyways, this is never really going to be a huge site, partly because there's a severe lack of information on HSAB floating around, partly because I just don't want it to be gargantuan. I can get the same basic point across without all of the evil files and useless sections. Therefore the whole site will be contained on this page (yes, I'm crazy, but who didn't know that already?). Feel free to browse around and enjoy your stay!

Just a quick warning: Until I can watch my tapes again I can't be too sure about how accurate all of this is. Just wanted to make sure any visitors new or old to the series knew that!


Note to my visitors: All of the person opinions are how I view this character, seeing as there are no available stats that I've been able to find in English around the web. Thanks!

When you first watch an anime, is there ever one single character that catches your eye the moment that you see them? Are you ever enchanted by on particular entity right from the start? Well, if you've reacted this way then you're not alone. The first time I saw Ryo was at a U of M (boo hiss!) anime showing. HSAB was one of the main features, and his overall attitude and cool-io light saber really caught my attention. Ryo-kun is a Japanese male high school student who looks to be about 16 years of age (this is just an estimate). He has reddish tinted hair, dark eyes, and fair skin. His hair's a bit shaggy, but it adds to his bishounen-ness. His eyes have longer than average lashes, and in general he's more feminine than most male anime characters. Ohohoho...but don't let that fool you, he's a serious fighter. Ryo-kun likes to joke around and is easily the most light-hearted of the overall serious Sky-People. He especially likes to tease our hero Ryosuke (most people call him by his last name, Sakiya, but seconds after randomly leaping into his room Ryo-kun starts calling him Ryosuke-chan, and then just plain Ryosuke. It sounds weird, but that's just the way that Ryo is. Oh, and by leaping, I mean literally jumping from roof to roof into his window XD). Ryo walks over to his fridge, takes down a drink, and jumps back out the window (he didn't only do that, of course. He also practically tried to seduce Ryosuke *falls over*). Ryo's weapon of choice is his energy beam (think Tenchi or Star Wars only orange). He has a slight paranoia problem with it though, and he always forms it just to make sure he can still use it. This leads to some kind of fanservice-y shots, if'n you be getting my drift. His opponent/partner on the other side is Waka. Waka works with fire, Ryo works with...well, jumping from roof to roof and such. More will come when I have time to rewatch the OVA again, which may be awhile since my poor VCR is broken ;_; Oh, and his first name means "Splendid". I don't know too much about his last name, except that part of it sounds like the Japanese word for water. Unfortunately I can't read kanji, so even that's only a guess. The actual meaning depends on the kanji used.


This section is where I look at how Ryo reacts to his peers, enemies, and *ahem* love interests.

Sakiya Ryosuke- A good friend of Ryo's, Ryosuke meets him before he meets any of the other sky people. The first time they meet Ryo practically seduces him. Ryo shares a very close bond with Ryosuke, probably closer than any of the other characters. He's there to protect him and doggone it, he's gonna do it. At the climax and ending point of the series Ryo's the one who sticks by til the end and attempts to save him, and breaks down when he can't. Also, if Ryo were to like anyone in the series in a non-platonic matter, Ryosuke would be at the top of the list. His devotion to him is that strong. (That's just my opinion though! The first time that my sister and I saw the OAV she thought that he was gay -_-;;)

Nanase Saeko- Hmmm...another one of the sky people. Ryo doesn't make his feelings for her known. I'm just assuming that she's "part of the gang" to him. Also, apparently Ryo doesn't like Saeko as more than a friend. I think that he may like her in the manga, but I'm not sure.

Izumi Kisara- This is where everything gets a bit more interesting. Of all of the other sky people, Ki-san is closest to Ryo. He acts like his older brother most of the time, and basically has his hands full keeping him out of trouble. Kisara's the exact opposite of Ryo. Where Ryo is sweet, energetic, a bit risque, and immature Ki-san is a bit tougher, more cautious, and very adult-like. Kisara has his moments where he softens for Ryo's sake. When Ryo was tensed up completely trying to focus on protecting Ryosuke Ki-san reassured him that he'd still do fine. Ryo's bond with Kisara is almost as close as his bond with Ryosuke. In fact, I think that if Ryosuke didn't need a lot of what Ryo was doing (which he really doesn't realize either...he's not aware of all of the things that Ryo does for his sake, or rather he doesn't like them because they often involve fighting) that their bond would be stronger.

Satomi Juukyuurou- He's kind of like the "Boss" of the Sky People, the leader of the little group. He cares quite a bit about what happens to Ryo. After all, he is a comrade and a fighter toward their cause. Ryo apparently regards him with the respect that he holds the others in. There wasn't too specific a relationship here that I could see.

Other than the ones listed there weren't too many charact--oh, wait. There's ONE MORE....

Waka- (last name unknown) Now how could I forget about this one >_< Yeah, he's Ryo's "counterpart" on the Supernatural side. He works with fire. Ryo hates his guts. A LOT. And even that's putting it mildly. Waka doesn't like Ryo either. But I think that Ryo hates him more. In the 3rd OVA they get into a "no weapons or magic" fight. Well, about halfway through Ryo breaks his promise and gets his light saber thing out and...;_;...majorly gets his ass kicked. Poor guy....they think that he's going to die from a poison thing that Waka stabbed into him, but Saeko is able to heal him (of course only after tricking him into saying that he'll buy anything she wants for her).

     A Few Images----->    Looking serious....Ryo and Kisara!Leaping on the roofs!So serious looking! Eep! Seduction Scene XDEEEEE! The happy Ryo smile!

Oh yes. High quality entertainment ^-^


Well, that just about sums up my shrine to (as my sister so eloquently puts it) "The Dude With the F@#$%ing Red Hair". HSAB is (c) it's creators, text is (c) Musashi, images were taken from http://www.ochiba.net, Irrepressible is (c) Musashi 2002, all rights reserved. Thank you for your continued patronage!

PS: Check out http://www.aurabuster.net (it has some bits and pieces of HSAB content and a lot of HSAB manga scans!)