Title: Taking Care of One’s Love

Author: Umi Kane

E-mail: ecchimichiru@yahoo.com

Rating: Pg-13

--Chapter Four--

It was nightfall before the two of them walked back to the car. Michiru now had Haruka's blazer draped around her shoulders. Haruka was carrying their shoes in one hand and holding Michiru's with the other. As the two walked back, Haruka remembered Michiru's nightmare from the previous night. She looked over to Michiru. "Can I ask you something, my water dancer?" she asked after a moment. Michiru looked over to her, smiling. "You can ask me anything, my wind chaser," she replied. Haruka smiled, but a bit of concern filled her eyes as she moved closer to Michiru and asked, "Your nightmare last night... What was it?" Michiru's pace slowed to a stop. She had forgotten that awful nightmare. She was silent for a while. "You woke up drenched in sweat and you clung to me, as if you feared that I would dissapear," Haruka said, the concern in her eyes growing. Michiru looked to the sand beneath her feet. Tears filled oceanic eyes as Michiru began to speak.

"You left me. You kept saying you loved another and didn't want me anymore. You looked me straight in the eyes and said you felt nothing for me. Then you left me. You just turned around and walked away." Tears spilled from Michiru's eyes, rolling down her cheeks. Haruka's azure eyes widened, in a bit of disbelief. She could barely believe her ears.

She pulled Michiru into her arms, holding her tight. Michiru wrapped her arms around Haruka's waist and her hands gripped the back of her shirt tightly. Haruka stood there holding Michiru, never wanting to let go. She held back her tears. It upset her to see Michiru in pain. "I know you would never do that but it seemed so real," Michiru said, her words muffled by Haruka's shirt. Haruka ran her fingers through Michiru's hair to try to help to calm her. "So that is why you were clinging to me last night," Haruka said, looking down to her love. She lifted Michiru's face to look at her own, staring straight into her eyes. Michiru's eyes softened and her crying slowed. She could see that soft, loving glow in Haruka's eyes. Haruka leaned down and kissed Michiru's forehead gently before continuing.

"Dreams can seem very real. I know. I would never leave you though. I love you." Haruka smirked that smirk that Michiru just adored. "I mean. Come on. Why would I leave someone I love so much? And who on Earth could even make me look at them the way I look at you? It's just impossible. I won't have it. I won't allow it," Haruka said, shaking her head firmly. Michiru couldn't help but let out that kawaii giggle that always made Haruka smile.

Haruka picked up Michiru into her arms and carried her back to the car, much to Michiru's delight. She rested her head upon Haruka's shoulder. Upon reaching the car, Haruka did not lower Michiru to the ground. She did not lower her into her seat. She stopped a little ways away from the door and spun around with Michiru in her arms. Michiru's giggle filled the air as they spun. As Haruka slowed to a stop, her face moved closer to Michiru's and kissed her right as they stopped. Michiru returned the kiss deeply. Any doubt that Michiru's dreams, head or heart had, had disappeared in that kiss. Haruka smiled at her love and managed to slip her shoes onto Michiru's feet and set her in her seat with ease. Michiru giggled softly as she watched Haruka lean against the car to put her own shoes on. Haruka ran around and hopped over the door, sliding right into her seat. She ran her fingers through her hair and smirked. Michiru just giggled at her.

Haruka placed her hand over one of Michiru's and held it gently. She used her free hand to back out and drive back towards their home. Michiru's eyes started to flutter between open and closed. It was very apparent to Haruka that her love was becoming quite tired. She pulled Michiru over to her with her hand and wrapped that arm around Michiru, holding her close while driving home. Michiru smiled and rested her head on Haruka's shoulder. Haruka smiled as the wind blew through their hair. She pulled the car into the driveway and looked down to her love. She smiled softly. Michiru had fallen asleep during the car ride and was peacefully dreaming.

Haruka carried Michiru into the house, slipping her shoes off, then slipping Michiru's off and setting them by the door. Haruka was silent and delicate, so as not to wake Michiru. She carried her sleeping love up to their bedroom and gently set her on the bed. She hated the thought of letting Michiru sleep in her clothes. The buttons on her dress would hurt her in the morning. She gently and silently undressed Michiru down to her undergarments. She put the clothes in the hamper and undressed herself as well, throwing her clothes into the hamper with Michiru's. She slipped onto the bed and gently pulled Michiru close. She smiled at her sleeping love and pulled the silk sheets over them both, just up to Michiru's upper arm. She wrapped her arms around Michiru as her love's head rested on her shoulder and part of her breast.

Haruka leaned over and kissed Michiru's forehead gently. "Sweet dreams, my sweet Michiru, my water dancer," she whispered as she fell asleep, holding Michiru. The two of them slept peacefully the rest of the night. No nightmares interrupted this embrace or the peace.