How To Join The TWINE Elite

To get you name and scores listed on our Elite records page, and to see where you rank in our World Rankings, the only thing you need is to set up a page on the internet. Once you have a site with all your times, all you have to do is to E-mail me, Darren Frickel and I will see to it that you get added to the Elite. If you need any help setting up a page on the internet, just read on.

How To Set Up A TWINE Stats Page

First off, you're going to need to set up an account at a web site that offers free webpage building. Just use, they give you plenty of space and allow you to use tables, so you can easily set up a chart. Here is how to set up an account at, if you already know how, skip everything in light blue.

Go to (didn't see that coming, did you?) Click on the "Build Your Website" link right in the middle of the page. Now you get to sign up for you Yahoo ID. Here's how I'd fill out those forms if I name was... let's say... James McCallister.

Yahoo! ID: jamesmccallister
Password: jamespd
Re-type: jamespd
Question: What's mother's maiden name?
Answer: Who cares? Who ever uses these stupid question and answer things anyways?
Birthday: Jan/1/82
Country: USA
Zip: 90211 [make something up.]
Gender: M
Occupation: other
Industry: other
DO NOT LET THEM CONTACT YOU ABOUT SPECIAL OFFERS! And don't click any interests. Hit the submit button.

Now for some info about your page. Here's what I'd do:
Description: The Perfect Dark times of James McCallister.
Topic: Games
Pages That Pay?: No
Hit Submit

Now you get your info. Click the link at the bottom: "Build Your Page Now!"

You now have an account. So go to the main page, and enter in your user name and password and hit submit, unless it's already your personal page. It will say "Welcome, JamesMcCallister" if it is. Now click the File Manager link. Then click "Open File Manager". There, now you're in. Now simply click on the box to the left of the index.html name, and a check will show up in it. Then click the grey "Edit" beneath it.

Great, now you only have to add the right HTML, and you got a page! In that big white box will be the generic geocities stuff that you want to get rid of completly. So drag with you mouse and highlight it all, then hit the Backspace key to delete it. There, now you just have a big blank white space. It should look just like this:

WARNING: This is a PageBuilder file. Changes to this file are possible in Advanced Editor,
but will be lost if edited in PageBuilder later. Launch PageBuilder.

And now you need to insert this exact HTML into that box, and then hit SAVE or SAVE AND CONTINUE EDITING. Everything that's in the box is HTML, you must take all of it, no matter how crazy it looks to you.

Now look at the HTML, and change that first "XXXX XXX" into your real first and last name, in my example, James McCallister. (It's in the TITLE tag.) Then change the 2nd "XXX"s into your PD Nickname, for instance... um... PerfectionPersonified. Yeah, that would be a cool name. Now change all of the "N/A"s into your personal times for that level on that difficulty. If you have not yet beaten the level, leave the N/A there. Then change the "Last Update" date to the date that it actually is. That way people can tell how long it's been since you updated your page last, which is nice when you surf through everyone's pages like a big web-ring. Hit SAVE, and you got it! Good for you!

The only thing left to do is to E-mail me, Darren Frickel and tell me your name and the link to your page. You will usually be added to the Elite within 24 hours!

Do you still need more help? Tell me what I should add to help you out.