Megumi Masagora

-Personal Information-

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Race: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Goddess

Money: 500 Z

Family/Maritial Status:
-Ayemi Ohkawa - Best Friend

AIM Screen Name: SweetKokoa337


History: Megumi was found in the basement of a deserted fortress lying in front of a mirror. As you see she was born from a mirror as the evil half of a young girl from Earth, while she lived in the underworld. Unfortunatly the connection to this girl was lost and the barrier was broken, thus bringing Megumi to Earth. Megumi, following the orders of the Goddess of the underworld, decided that no human could be trusted and raviged and pillaged at will while trying to find a portal back to her immortal home. She built her strength through the stamina of will and overpowering every innocent bistandard that she could come across who excepted her deathly challenge. Still unable to find her way back home she tracked down an elderly man by the name of Kenosha who gave her a Chrome Ceptor devised to unleash the evil karma of the creatures from her immortal life through the mirror of the underworld. This is where Megumi stands today, lost in the barriers of earth threatened by the love of human nature and released by the power of Hades.


-Battle Information-


Power Level (PL): 50,000
Hit Points (HP): 100,000
Ki Energy (KI): 50,000
Telekinetic Energy (TEK): 50,000
Magical Energy [Dark] (MP): 50,000
Elemental Energy [Water] (ELE): 150,000
Telepathic Energy (TEL): 50,000
Strength (STR): 50,000
Speed (SPD): 50,000
Defense (DEF): 50,000
Magic Defense (MDEF): 50,000
Telepathic Defense (TDEF): 100,000

Abilities/Special Skills:
-Water Elementals
-Magic User

-Reflecting Karma
HP: 2,000
KI: 500

-Ceptor Alliance
HP: 2,400
KI: 600br>
Wrath of Hades
HP: 20,000
MP: 5,000

-Mental Techniques
HP: Varies
KI: Varies

Weapon of Choice:
Chrome (mirror material) ceptor and water elementals.


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