Nutritional goals include the following:



PROTEIN INTAKE _____ gm/lb. bodyweight

CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE _____ gm/lb. bodywieght

FAT INTAKE _____ gm/lb. bodyweight


The general nutritional theme includes:

15%-20% of total calories from high quality protein sources, including animal protein

60%-65% of calories from complex carbohydrates

15%-25% of total calories from fats

Emphasis will be on quality of food intake as opposed to quantity. Whenever possible, Gavin will attempt to eat a minimum of 4 meals per day, with a goal of 5-6 small meals per day.

Recognizing the detrimental effect of junk food, a major thrust of the nutritional program will be to avoid junk food, carbonated drinks, processed foods to the greatest extent possible.


Ideally, a runner should eat every 4 hours. This may take some planning on your part. You may have to carry food with you in your backpack at times. It may become a little inconvenient. However, think of the payoff. In line with other parts of your life, you should attempt to build a routine you follow in your eating. Just as you should try to go to bed and awaken at the same time every day, you should also try to eat at the same times every day. Try to avoid eating close to bedtime. Try to eat a little something at least an hour before training. After hard sessions, try to take in protein and carbohydrates immediately after the session and then in the next hour or two periodically take in more. We have discussed what constitutes a good diet elsewhere and you should utilize that information along with your eating routines. The more you can stick to a regular routine, the better off you will be.











  1. Eat every four hours. This has several benefits including keeping your metabolism at a higher level, thus burning more calories and helping keep your weight at optimal levels.

  3. Don’t eat the same type of meal 2 days running. In theory this means seven different types of breakfast, lunch and dinner each week. No single food provides everything you need. So, the more different types of foods you take in, the more likely you are to take in the wide variety of vitamins and minerals that you need for optimal functioning.
  4. Eat non-fat foods. The easiest way to do this is to eat large helpings of natural foods – grains, fruits and vegetables.
  5. Avoid consumption of carbonated drinks: the phosphorous in them destroys calcium, affecting bone strength.
  6. Drink lots of pure orange juice when the temperature gets above 60F. It is high in potassium which is lost in sweat in warm weather.
  7. Monitor weight carefully. Avoid any steady decreases or increases in weight.