
Computer Music
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Andy Warhol Tribute
Real Slide Show 





If you have an interesting and original music site, then please email me giving me information about your site. I will have a look, and if it is suitable, contact you with reciprocal link information.

Here is a link to my young friend Yuko Ohigashi's page. She is from Japan and composes very beautiful romantic music. At her site you can see many photos of her and listen to her music and read about her concerts.

The Piano Education Page is a one-stop resource for teachers, students, parents of students, and fans of the piano with over 600 pages of free information, upgraded biweekly. This really is a great site for anyone interested in the piano.

Fractals provide an unexpected connection between the musical arts and many natural processes. Fractals uniquely blend both ’deterministic’ and ‘stochastic’ qualities for a natural capability to produce aesthetically pleasing balances between predictability and novelty. 
This site contains numerous examples of fractal music, downloadable software you can use to compose original fractal music, and some information and activities designed to help you better understand fractals. 


Paul Copeland
Last updated on Saturday, 07 April 2001

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