David Helfgott (1947 - Now)

David Helfgott, born in Melbourne, Australia in May 1947 of polish-jewish parents. His musical education commenced at the age of five, and later be began studies with Madame Alice Carrard, a student of Bartok's.

In 1966 he went to London to study at the Royal College of Music with Professor Cyril Smith, who described him as the most gifted student in 25 years. Many awards followed and a graduation recital, where Helfgott gave a stunning performance of Rachmaninov's Third Piano Concerto.

In 1970, after performing at a gala concert in the Royal Albert Hall, he returned to Australia, but illness descended on him and he spent over a decade in institutions. In 1984 he made a truimphant return to the concert platform after meeting and marrying his wife Gillian. Since that time he has toured continually in Australia and Europe, being in great demand for both recitals and concertos, and his sell-out tour of Denmark and Germany in 1995 received wide acclaim.

His life story is told in Scott Hicks long-awaited feature film 'SHINE' which received rapturous applause at the Sundance Film Festival in January 1996. His wife Gillian is also writing a book about their time together, which will be published in late 1996.

Adapted from : Rachmaninov, The Last Great Romantic, David Helfgott, piano. 1996 BMG, Australia Ltd.

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